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July/2018 UPDATES

31/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

         Only a couple of updates today, based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 2 Episode 9: Stealth Strike. Today we've added Admiral Brom Titus to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and Sienar Fleet Systems Interdictor-class Star Destroyer to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.


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30/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: Cyborg Commando

        Starting a new series on the Youtube channel about old RPG's, starting off with Gary Gygax's 1987 RPG, Cyborg Commando.

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29/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A few updates today, based on the subject of yesterdays review of, Star Wars Rebels: Season 2 Episode 8: Blood Sisters. Today I've added, Ketsu Onyo to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, MandalMotors Lancer-class pursuit craft to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, and Ketsus staff to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section of the Site.


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27/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A bunch of updates today based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 2 Episode 7: Wings of the Master. Today we've added BG-81 & Quarrie to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Lothal Logistics Limited astromech droid to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section, and the A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter prototype B6 to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.


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25/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Only a couple of updates today, and only one based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 2 Episode 6: Brothers of the Broken Horn. Today we've added, Jablogian to the Star Wars D/6 Race Section. And we've gone back to The Clone Wars to add, The Twilight to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the site, since we somehow forgot to add the hero ship for the series, hopefully we'll not forget The Ghost in the same way.


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23/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A bunch of additions to the site based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 2 Episode 5: Always Two There Are. Today we've added The Seventh Sister & The Fifth Brother to the Star Wars D/6 Characters, the Seventh Sisters lightsaber & Fifth Brothers lightsaber to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section, and Arakyd Industries ID9 seeker droid to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section of the Site.


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23/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

Star Wars RPG may be the most influential RPG of all time!

I've just uploaded a new video to the youtube channel, Star Wars RPG may be the most influential RPG of all time!


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21/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Just a few additions today, based on the subject of yesterdays review of, Star Wars Rebels: Season 2 Episode 4: Relics of the Old Republic. Today we've added, Joopa Base to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, CC-3636 Wolffe (as of Rebels) & CC-5576-39 Gregor (as of Rebels) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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19/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

Well this I did not expect!

        Guess I'm not finished reviewing them all after all.


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19/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Just a couple of additions to the site today, based on the subject of yesterdays review of, Star Wars Rebels: Season 2 Episode 3: The Lost Commanders. Today we've added, Rexs Modified AT-TE Walker to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section and Joopa to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section of the Site.


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16/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

Star Wars RPG 1st Edition

        A wonderful article about the re-release of Star Wars 1st Edition over on Enworld, and I have to admit although I've owned the game since it came out, I have never played or GM'ed 1st Edition. It was 2nd Edition and 2nd Edition R+E we always played in our group, but I've been told that 1st had a number of features which were actually better than 2nd, but without playing the game I'm not in a good position to judge.

        In many ways the 1st Edition books were far better presented, and while for me the 2nd Edition R+E rulebook is a masterpiece, there definitely is something about the original which is more of a collectable and there's something fan more fanboy about it. Remembering the time it was released, when Star Wars was basically dead (in the Early 90's Star Wars was basically where Starship Troopers is now, there are a bunch of fans, and many remember it kindly, but it's years old and its credibility was ruined by cheap follow ups), this was something that treated it right and something fans could pick up and feel pride in.

        Anyway, let me know if you've any memories of 1st edition, and head on over and read Enworlds thoughts on the matter.


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15/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A bunch of additions to the site from the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: The Siege of Lothal. Today I've added W1-LE (Willie) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Imperial Department of Military Research 9D9-s54 Dianoga spy droid to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section, Force Push to the Star Wars D/6 Force Powers Section, Kuat Drive Yards Pelta-class Command Cruiser and Kuat Drive Yards 49-v99 Deflector shield generator to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section.
        The Pelta Class is an updated version of the Clone Wars Era ship, and the ease with which Vader takes the vessel down in the latest episode makes me doubt the stats I gave this vessel in the past, and I wonder if it should have much lower hull and shields, but I didn't want to revise the modified version to be weaker than the older version.


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13/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A couple of additions to the site today, based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 1 Episode 15: Fire Across the Galaxy. Today we've added The Grand Inquisitor and Bail Organa to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section.

        Well that's us through the first season of Rebels already, and normally I'd take a break after a season of reviews and do something else. However, I've already watched the pilot film for season 2 and will be reviewing it tomorrow before it gets stale. I've got some housekeeping across the site to do, so while I'm going to press on with season 2 of Rebels, updates may be sporadic as I do a few other things as well.


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11/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Today we've added a trio of stats to the site, based on the subject of yesterdays review of, Star Wars Rebels: Season 1 Episode 14: Rebel Resolve. Today we've added Doctor Ball to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Imperial Department of Military Research IT-O Interrogation Unit to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section and Kuat Drive Yards Arquitens-class command cruiser to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.

        Since Doctor Ball is an IT-O interrogation droid, and the Arquitens Command Cruiser is just an updated Arquitens Light Cruiser, there's not a lot new on the site today. The Arquitens I lowered the passenger accommodation and cargo space to make space for the new weapons and starfighter racks, and boosted shields and sensors to show some improvement to the design over the years since it was first introduced. And Doctor Ball was added only because of the Robot Chicken sketch I mentioned yesterday, so he's basically an IT-O droid, but with an advanced vocoder.


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09/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

Solo: A Star Wars Story: OpenD6 RPG

        We're happy to release on the site today a PDF book we've put together over the last week (which is why we've been a little quiet), an introductory version of the D6 rules put together as the Solo: A Star Wars Story: OpenD6 RPG.
        It contains a cut down version of the D6 rules (mainly the Force powers have been removed), and is packaged together with various stats from the Solo movie.

        As you may have seen in recent posts, a friend and I have been started an RPG group for our tween aged kids, and I have put together this rulebook to mainly distribute to them, but also as I feel if West End Games had still been producing Star Wars material at this time, that Solo would have been a perfect introductory setting for a game.

View and Download the PDF here!

        As time goes on, I hope to also release a full version of the rules, but with the Clone Wars era as the setting, and we'll see what happens regarding Rebels, Episodes 7-9 and Rogue One as time permits.

        Anyway, enjoy, I hope this is of use to someone out there as well as me and the kids.


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09/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A few updates today from the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 1 Episode 13: Call to Action. Today we've added, Maketh Tua to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Arakyd Industries Viper-Class Dwarf probe droid to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section, Imperial patrol transport to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, and the Imperial Planetary Occupation Facility to the Star Wars D/6 Planets and Places Section of the Site.

        More to come later.


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08/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

Creating a More Immersive Gaming Experience

        Recently the group I game with, and have been gaming with for the past 25+ years, regained a member. He'd dropped away from the group when he'd got married and had kids, but has more time available now.
        This has been an amazing positive experience for the group, we gained another gamesmaster, one who'd been away studying what people online were talking about and coming up with ideas he was desperate to try. He knew us and our play style, but managed to shake things up massively. He's got us excited about gaming again, forcing us to play games we wouldn't normally consider, he's brought in interactive gaming screens, dragged us screaming into the 21st century by using online tools, and a bunch of other things. He's made the other GamesMasters in the group have to take a serious look at the way they GM, using music to signify when game time starts and chat time ends.
        Anyway, Annie Bulloch over at Enworld has written a great article on the subject. read more here.


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07/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Just a couple of additions to the site today, based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 1 Episode 12: Vision of Hope. Today I've added Gall Trayvis to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and Sienar Fleet Systems Sentinel-class landing craft to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.

        I'm busy beavering away on something which is so close to being finished that it should be on the site tomorrow or Monday at the latest. Fingers crossed.


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05/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A wee bunch of updates for you today, based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 1 Episode 11: Idiots Array. Today we've added, Azmorigan to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Puffer pig to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section, Zebulon Dak Speeder Corporation Joben T-85 speeder bike to the Star Wars Vehicles Section, and RK-3 Blaster Pistol to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section.


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03/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Only one addition to the site today based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 1 Episode 10: Path of the Jedi. Today I added Ezras lightsaber to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section of the Site.

        His lightsaber is wonderfully unique in Star Wars, but always reminded me of Ulysses weapon from Ulysses 31.


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01/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A bunch of additions to the site based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 1 Episode 9: Gathering Forces. Today I've added, Imperial Stormtrooper to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/ln space superiority starfighter to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, Imperial Department of Military Research Stormtrooper armor to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section, BlasTech Industries E-11 Stormtrooper blaster rifle to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section, and Taming beasts to the Star Wars D/6 The Force Section of the Site.

        Apart from Taming Beasts, all of these stats were already covered in the Star Wars Rulebook. However, I required each of these for another project, and the printed ones were somewhat out of date, so I took the opportunity to update them. Some are only a single die code up or down, but some are more radical, such as the Stormtrooper blaster rifle was wrongly identified as being made by Sorosuub in the rulebook instead of Blastech.


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All text, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
Images stolen from an unknown website at some remote time in the past.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.