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Our Groups Lexicon

        Over the many years our Roleplay group has been together we have formed a number of saying based on previous experiences, and on pop-culture sources such as television and video games. In a vague attempt to explain ourselves to the world at large, I`ve made this effort at grouping together and explaining the sayings and terms we find ourselves using. Although we tend to use "gamerspeak" as well, we have formed our own sub group of this recognised language, and so now I present Our groups Lexicon.

Blah: An exclamation meaning whatever, also used when the speaker can`t think of anything to say. Has become fairly common when introduced by our groups belgian contingent.

Bob: A generic name given to anything the players have to name but can't really be bothered to. Occasionally used by the Gamesmaster as well, to show that he is capable of as much laziness as the players. Possibly originates from the television show "Blackadder", where a female was pretending to be Blackadders manservant when asked for her name, blurted out "Bob".

Bob (the human fighter): A generic name given to any character that the player hasn't given any great thought to. Originally from "Knights of the Dinner Table", where a player didn't put any thought into his character and created "Bob, the human fighter", where other characters were mainly listed of advantages and disadvantages.

Bonding Your Dice: The act of linking your life to your dice, "spending karma" or the such. In the totally false belief held by most gamers (myself included) that luck, karma, fate or the like has an effect on the RANDOM roll of a dice.

"Bungee": Used to refer to any jump from a great height, whether tethered or not, usually spoken in a high-pitched squeaky voice. Originally from the computer game "Worms".

"Can't be fucked": Usually muttered, as if the speaker can't really be bothered even to speak the words. Has become a catchphrase of K, but now becoming adopted by the whole group.

Chaos Spikey Bits: Originally from the Warhammer series of games, used to describe the mutations and changes that the miniature designers did to show that a miniature was allied to chaos. Used by us to refer to any mutation, or changes done for no reasons other than style.

Charcoal Briquettes: The remains left after someone or something has been burnt.

Chib: A Scottish term meaning stab.

Church of England: Chaotic Evil, from the initials CE that both share, no inference is intended on the Church of England itself, that is left to the individual.

Club to death with the soggy end: Originally from the phrase "I'm going to rip his arm off and beat him to death with the soggy end.", now used to refer to almost any vindictive act of violence on a persons body.

Come join our merry band: Originally from an Amiga computer game called "BloodWych", where you had a random chance that someone would join your party every time you asked. So you would stand in front of an NPC asking, "come join our merry band" until they eventually gave in and joined. Used by us when attempting to convince an NPC to help us.

Conga Line: Referring to any attacking group charging in single file, usually because of a tight corridor. Originally from the Games Workshop board game "Space Hulk", where the monsters would charge down the corridor in single file, firstly because of the enclosed space, secondly because the other player could only shoot at the front most monster, so the monsters would slowly conga down the corridor towards the enemy player. The monsters called "Genestealers" were also moulded in a single pose, although about 30 miniatures came with the game, with a single hand raised and another behind them, it was easy to imagine them dancing.

"Die while the others watch": A taunt to an opponent, originally taken from the original series of "Star Trek".

"Do you wanna see my monkay?" Spoken in a deep south accent, and usually used by K during our current Al Qadim campaign because his character actually owns a monkey. Originates from the "Look at my monkey" animation on the Joe Cartoon Website, and is usually followed by other lines from the animation "I`m gonna show you ma monkay", and "I`m gonna make you watch me spank ma monkay".

Drop your Body: Used when a character sends his spirit off into another dimension, leaving his body behind, the body usually drops lifeless to the ground. Originally used by us during the game "Shadowrun" for mages going astral, but now adapted to whenever it fits.

End of Level Nasty: The main villain in an adventure, taken from the term in video and computer games for the main "boss" at the end of a game level. The End of Level Nasty is usually far more powerful than all of the other monsters.

Fade: From "fade from sight", used when someone is trying to hide or sneak, or possibly when they are simply trying to fade into the crowd.

Gamesmaster Lightning Bolt: A possibly standard roleplaying term for any vindictive attack by the Gamesmaster on a character who has pissed him off, usually a blatant "You are struck by lightning".

Geological Displacement: Refers to the most powerful of energy a device can create, whether it is from a wand of lightning bolts, or a laser gun. Originally from the TV series "Star Trek" where the phaser's maximum setting is Geological Displacement mode, which just sounds cool.

George: A generic term for an NPC or animal that the players want to keep around. Originally from the cartoon "Bugs Bunny" where the Abominable Snowman wanted "To hug him and squeeze him, and call him George".

Gibleted: To be killed in a fairly messy way, similar to "reduced to a fine red mist" or "reduced to chunky salsa".

"Go for the Eyes Boo": A quote from the computer game "Baldurs Gate", used when urging someone to attack.

Group Telepathy: The ability to read each other minds that we have developed by gaming together over a period of 10 years, it has become almost spooky at times with one person finishing another's sentence without the first person actually knowing what they were going to say. Also occasionally referred to as a "hive mind".

Hit Real Hard: One of the features of a perfect fighter in any roleplaying game, and used to describe what fighters can do. Originates from a free RPG found on a bulletin board many years ago.

"Hulk Get Fat": Occasionally quoted when something is mumbled and can't be understood, or just quoted for the fun of it. Originates from a talking Incredible Hulk figure that was owned by a member of the group, it would say "Grrr", "Hulk get Strong" and "Hulk Get Fat", although some argued that it was actually saying "Hulk Get Mad".

"I keep stabbing myself . . . until the hurting stops" A quote from a story on RPGNet (found here), used when a player has heard something that they feel that they would have been far happier having never heard.

"I'm Batman": A quote from the movie "Batman", and often used in reference to the character Michael in the television series "La Femme Nikita", who in the early seasons would often leap through windows with his long black trench coat trailing behind him like a cape, with the seemingly odd impression that he was actually a superhero. Used in reference during games to any character or NPC who attempts to intimidate someone else using pure coolness.

"I`m gonnahavtashootya": From the Star Wars Fan Film "Troops", used just as a generic quote for a few weeks, but actually used in perfect contect when a player character was disguised as a Stormtrooper. Is actually a shortened version of "If you keep on doing that, I`m gonnahavtashootya" as said by the lead character in "Troops" when threatening some Jawas.

Jam: Used to refer to anyone who has been killed in a fairly messy way, in a similar way to the terms "Chunky Salsa", and "A fine red mist" are used.

Jedi Master Liam Neeson: Used in reference to the character "Qui-Gon Jinn" from the movie "Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace". Sprung into use during our all night discussion of the film after attending the midnight premier, when no-one could remember the characters name.

Jedi Master Shaft: Used in reference to the character "Mace Windu" from the "Star Wars" series of movies, used because people had difficulty remembering the characters name, and also in reverence to Samuel L Jackson's innate coolness.

Kill, Crush, Destroy: A description of what our party is usually best at doing, also any set of orders given to another character. Possibly based on the orders given to the Robot in the movie "Lost in Space".

Lesbians, Cousins, (with toe-rings): From a story found on RPGNet (found here), the concept behind two characters from the story which has developed into a continuing thread as we have discussed characters for our upcoming Forgotten Realms campaign.

"Lets Invade Thesk" A quote of a much repeated mistake made by a player during our Forgotten Realms campaign, when our alliance of several countries (including Thesk) was preparing to attack the "evil" country of Thay. The player kept (repeatedly) asking when we were going to get around to invading Thesk, and even though he was corrected on each and every occasion, would make exactly the same mistake the next time he brought the subject up. Now brought up and quoted whenever it is clear that someone hasn`t been paying attention, or not bothering to remember important adventure or campaign information.

"Mwa Ha Ha": A stereotypical evil villains laugh, also mastered by R during some game sessions.

Ninja Vanish: Used to describe the act of hiding. Originates with a Physical Adept Ninja from "Shadowrun", a character with so many automatic successes at sneaking, that the majority of players and NPC`s didn't stand the slightest chance of spotting him sneaking before he even rolled a dice.

Noghri Death Commando: Used to describe any character class or species which is totally overpower and completely munchkin. Originates from the "Star Wars" universe, where Noghri were extremely powerful species that no sane GM would allow a player to play.

Oo Adi Adi: A reference to the sound made by Ken in the Anime film "Fist of the North Star" as he made multiple punches within a fraction of a second. Used to refer to any rapid succession of punches.

Oo-Er: Used to show that a double entendre has been made, usually spoken after everyone has already spotted and ignored said entendre. Originates either from Frankie Howerds "Oo-Er Missus", or from "Finbar Saunders Double Entendres" in Viz Comic.

Panzee Scum: A term for Elves from Warhammer 40,000, now commonly used to refer to Elves in any game.

Pish Man: A term grown from the Scottish habit of putting the word "man" onto the end of sentences, and from the habit of using the word "pish" to refer to something bad, in the same way other English speakers might use the word "shit". After L used to say "That's Pish man", K spotted that Pish-Man might be a rather odd super hero type, and the phrase began to be used in the following way.

         GM: You take 50 points of damage, you're dead.

         L: That's pish man!

         K: Pish-Man, bitten by radioactive pish. . .

The term has now been reduced to the "bitten by radioactive pish" part.

Power Up: Used to refer to increasing the power of a character in a temporary way, either with magic, drugs or some other short term way. Used in the same way "buff" has sprung into use from the "Everquest" and "Asherons Call" type of multi player RPG`s. Originally from the older "Nemesis" and "Salamander" type of video game, where the player would pick up short term boosts to their space ship, "Salamander" was also one of the first games to include speech, and had the phrase "Power up for ripple laser" early in the game.

"Run Away": Used to refer to any cowardly retreat, originally from "Monty Python's Holy Grail".

Shadowrunners Knock: Refers to the act of kicking down a door.

Shiny: Used in reference to an Earthdawn adventure, where we found a staff with a coin mounted in it, but no matter how we tried we couldn`t tell what the coin was made out of because it was "too shiny to tell". This explanation was not considered sufficient, so has been brought back up whenever the party cannot tell what something is made out of, or whenever the Gamesmaster describes something as shiny.

        It has also been the basis of several planned get quick rich ideas in various games, to change gold for copper, polish it up so much that its "shiny" and then pass it off as gold, since no one will be able to find out what it really is.

Small and Agile: A direct quote from the Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition Players Hand Book, used by us in reference to halflings gaining a huge variety of advantages for being Small and Agile, but very few weaknesses from it. Used as follows . .

        Player of a Halfling: I`ll keep watch for anyone coming.

        GM: Okay, roll your Spot skill.

        Player of Halfling: Oooh, I get a bonus on that !

        Other Player: Because you`re small and agile ?

Space Nazis: Used in reference to any ridiculous theory of whats happening in an adventure (eg "so how do the Space Nazis fit into that exactly?"). Originates from a ToF-SE adventure when a player wrote up a mass of notes connecting all of the information and clues he had gathered, which all gathered around the two words "space nazis" and showed how everything connected to a space nazi plot. The problem was, he wasn't that far from the truth.

"Spend a Farce Point": Used in reference to "Star Wars" RPG force points, because once spent, everything becomes a little farcical.

Strike a Heroic Pose: Used in reference to doing something silly in the middle of everything, usually replied to by the Gamesmaster by "A shot rings out". Originates with a player in our group, whose character would "strike a heroic pose" during combat instead of doing anything useful, eventually developing into his standard reply whenever he couldn't think of what to do when asked by the gamesmaster.

Studdley Leather: A reference to Studded Leather, and the fact that most adventurers wander around in leather all the time.

Take it like a man: The other of the two main features of a good fighter, originating from a freely downloadable RPG, the term is now used as the alternative to dodging (eg GM: "You're being shot at, are you going to dodge?", Player: "Nope, I'll take it like a man.")

Tailoring: To modify a character during character creation for maximum power, sometimes called Min-Max`ing. Originating when one player accused everyone else of Min-Max`ing, but when it was pointed out that he did the same thing he remarked that he was just "Tailoring" his characters. Thereby bring the term into common use by us.

The Call: A reference to the computer game "Asherons Call", when L would disappear for long periods of the game to go to his computer, it was remarked that he was answering "The Call".

The Swamp: When a player could not attend a game session their character would be placed in "the swamp". This originated when I was Gamesmastering as the players trekked through a swamp, and a player didn't turn up for the second session, so I decided that their character sank into the swampy group around them. However later they were in a high tech military base when the player returned, so I described the ground as becoming swampy and the character clawing its way out of the marshy ground before it returned to the normal tiled floor. This has been continued as the standard way of disposing of a character whose player is absent.

The Tens: A reference to the genitalia of the male of the species, especially when in reference to damage being done to that area. This originally came from the hit table in ToF-SE used for determining random hits on different body locations, the Body was locations 2 (the neck) to 10 (between the legs).

Tweedle: The sound effect used to denote a teleportation effect, whether it is magical or technological in effect (eg "I teleport home using our dagger of teleportation", "Tweedle, you arrive").

"Warped my fragile little mind": A quote from the movie "South Park", used whenever blaming someone or something else for an error on the part of the speaker.

Wispy and Vaporous: A reference to a mage sending their spirit into Astral Space in the game "Shadowrun".

Whap: A generic term for hitting something (eg "I whap him with my sword"). Probably originates from the 60`s "Batman" television series.

You Suck Dude: Exclamation usually made when somebody fails disastrously.

Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text completely by FreddyB.
Images stolen from various web pages I`ve now forgotten where (Copyright resides with the artist).
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.