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Sergeant Bislav Merril (Human Bespin Wing Guard)

Sergeant Bislav Merril (Human Bespin Wing Guard)
Raider Gundam

Raider Gundam
Shadow Council Imperial Warlord 2

Shadow Council Imperial Warlord 2

Euphoric ?

        This occasion was during a published Shadowrun adventure, Queen Euphoria, we were playing with what we consider to be our classic Shadowrun party. K was playing Forest Demon his Human Physical Adept, C was playing Tackleberry his Troll Gang Member/ Street Samurai, I was playing Kebab my Elf Street Samurai, R was playing Scimitar his Human Detective, and we had 2 other players at this time, J who was playing Balm his female Elf Dog Shaman and B who was playing a Human Mercenary.

        The adventure set up is that the players are hired to locate a missing pop star "Euphoria", but almost immediately the adventure began to go wrong.

        Seeking clues to the location of "Euphoria", we broke into her apartment, the group splits up to search the different rooms.

R: I`ll search the bedroom.

Me: I`ll search the bathroom.

K: I`ll search the living room.

B: I`ll search the Kitchen.

J: I`ll search the dining room.

C: I`ll guard Balm.

GM: Okay, everyone who`s searching, make your search rolls.

R: I search through her clothes.

GM: Okay, make your search roll.

R: Is there underwear there?

GM: Yeeeeesssss?

Rest of Group: {sniggers}

R: I grab a handful of her underwear and take a long deep sniff.

GM: {holds head in hands as a serious adventure collapses into schoolboy humour}.

Rest of Group: {starts thinking of ways to out do R}.

        Well, the adventure continued once we had totally trashed the apartment (and R had removed all of Euphorias underwear (for evidence obviously)), and we eventually discovered that Euphoria had been kidnapped by Insect Spirits.

        Insect Spirits, in Shadowrun are spirits that incubate inside humans, they form hives, and grab humans to use to create more Insect Spirits. These people may become "Flesh Form" spirits, who appear to be normal humans, but have the mind and abilities of the spirit, or "True Form" spirits, which appear to be giant forms of the type of Insect that they are. There are various degrees to which the two types can mix, creating all sorts of Insect hybrids, all of which are extremely dangerous in combat.

        Anyway, the studio which employed Euphoria, and which had hired us to find her, wanted her back and were willing to loan us almost any equipment we required to enter an Insect Spirit Hive and get Euphoria back. So we kitted up, heavy armour, assault rifles, grenade launchers, everything we could think of, and everything we could carry.

        The hive was located in an abandoned factory, so we snuck in, surprised to find no guards on the ground floor, the upper story was also empty, leaving only the basement, to which there were three entrances. So we split the group, heading down the elevator was B`s Mercenary who was the most heavily armed person in the group since he was trained in heavy weapons. Heading down the stairs next to the Elevator was R, so the two of them could team up in the basement. Heading down the main stairs were K and Me, since our characters were a team, and complemented each other perfectly. And as reserves was J (since Balm was a shaman she was excellent at healing magic, and we kept her in reserve in case anyone got hurt) with C playing bodyguard to her, since we couldn`t afford to let her get hurt.

        So the groups progressed down into the basement, the situation very reminiscent of the Movie "Aliens".

        The first person to come into contact with the Insect Spirits was B, he opened a door and saw a massive insect standing in the next room. So reacting quickly he pulled the pin on a grenade and tossed it into the room, and slammed the door closed. Seconds later the grenade went off, killing the Insect Spirit, and blew the door (and in fact the entire wall) out squashing B against the wall. It turns out the all of the interior walls in the basement were plyboard walls and not exactly resistant to high velocity firearms and explosives.

        At this point K and Me looked at each other, performing a perfect example of telepathy. So when we opened the next door and found an Insect Spirit waiting for us, we acted in perfect synchronised harmony.

K & Me: I fire my grenade launcher.

        The combined explosions splattered the Insect across the ruins of the room, and also destroyed all four walls of the small room it was waiting in. Revealing the main hive, where dozens of Insect Spirits were waiting.

K & Me: I fire my grenade launcher.

        BOOM, the Insect Spirits are scattered to the four winds, only to be replaced by more, who are held at bay by blast after blast from our grenade launchers.

        However, the result of all these explosions was two fold, firstly we were slowly tunnelling our way through the basement, straight towards where R and B had entered the basement. So we had two choices, stop firing grenades and start using more conventional weapons against the spirits, or keep firing and risk hurting or even killing our friends.

        Of course we kept firing, blast after blast rocked the building pinning R and B to the far wall as they took repeated damage from the grenades. Fortunately, the supply of Insect Spirits ran out before their health did. However it was at this moment that an Insect Spirit decided to manifest out of Astral Space behind Me & K, slashing down with its claws across K`s back.

        K was not seriously damaged, but the mere touch of its claws caused paralysation. So I was left, face to face with an Insect Spirit, with a close friend standing paralysed within arms reach. So I did the obvious thing.

Me: I fire my grenade launcher.

        The explosion killed the spirit, but left both K and Me with only slight damage. However as I said the effects of the repeated grenade explosions was two fold, and around this moment the building started to collapse, but again had little effect on our heavily armoured characters.

        So we had completed the mission, and could recover the grenade damaged remains of Euphoria (it took a while to find all of the bits), when we realised that we were going to have to return the weapons and armour, but we could however expend all the ammunition, so we did, managing to demolish an outside wall in the process. Completing our adventure, as errrrr, Heroes.

Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text completely by FreddyB.
Images stolen from various web pages I`ve now forgotten where (Copyright resides with the artists).
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.