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Setec IX

Setec IX

Corellian CC-9600 Frigate

Corellian CC-9600 Frigate View Update

29/April/2009 Posted by Freddy

        Some more DLOS Starships for you today, we'll see if I can keep going all week, or if I run out of steam, anyway, today I've added Mere 12K Bulk Freighter, Nubian Alpha 10 Light Transport, Nubian Alpha 20 Light Transport, Black Arrow/Diamond Head, E-2 Asteroid Miner, Corellian YT-920, Intrepid Light Freighter, XKH Bulk Freighter, XKI Bulk Freighter, Mega Hauler, Bulk Bacta Hauler, Naboo C-Type Shuttle, RanCorp HardEdge-class Star Yacht, Verdant Spaceworks Hercules-class Industrial Materials Hauler, Verdant Spaceworks Mammoth-class Megahauler, RanCorp Preserver-class Rescue Craft, Verdant Spaceworks Ronto-class Shuttle, Verdant Motors Shanda Class Personal Transport, Verdant Spaceworks SSC Small Service Craft, Quasar Fire Bulk Freighter, Zaltin/Kuat Drive Yards Bulk Bacta Hauler Mark I, Zaltin/Kuat Drive Yards Bulk Bacta Hauler Mark II, Zaltin/Kuat Drive Yards Bulk Bacta Hauler Mark III, SoroSuub Transport Systems Nyubba-class Cargo Barge, TCE-17 Kraken Freighter, Xi Char Luxury Shuttle, Outpost Trader Light Freighter, Haor Chall Engineering CT-6550 Cargo Barge, Hyte Industries Farlander Transport, Elrood StarYards Ltd B-IV Bulk Freighter, A-II MEDIUM FREIGHTER, Kilrathi Production Dorkir Transport, Crimtan Technologies CAR-177LJ Pigeon-class Courier Vessel, Corellian Engineering Corporation YX-2000 Medium Freighter, Corellian Engineering Corporations YT-3000 Light Transport, Corellian Engineering Corporation YT-2000, Corellian XT-1100 Light Transport, Corellian Starspeed 280 Personal Yacht, Kemorian Design Companys Amkardh Space Bus., Apone Assault Shuttle, Long Reach Transport, Aero-Tech Space Division ISSCV, Republic Squad Dropship, Sienar Armed Courier, Trade Federation Container Ship, Trade Federation Landing Ship, Haor Chall Engineering C-9877 Landing Craft, Baktoid Civil Workshops Nemoidian Planetary Shuttle, Stock Flapjack to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the site.

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