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04/May/2021 Posted by Freddy

May the Fourth be with you, Happy Star Wars Day

        Today we reach Mission 10: Terisas Vengeance as we continue through Star Wars: Squadrons, and having completed adding all the Starfighters from the game, today we begin mopping up everything else, starting with adding the Mimbanese to the Star Wars D/6 Species Section, & Captain Terisa Kerrill (Human Imperial Officer), Lindon Javes (Human Rebel Officer) & Colonel Gralm (Human Imperial Officer) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site. With obviously many more to go.

        So with today being "Star Wars Day", and the release of the first episode of The Bad Batch, I'll be watching it and adding my review tomorrow, before returning to Squadrons after that. And that's how we'll be handling the episodes, adding the reviews the day after release, keeping to the way we've handled new Star Wars series for the past couple of years, by doing the reviews pretty much live with the series, and then adding all the stats in a batch when the final episode has been broadcast in 16 weeks time (just in case anything major is revealed about them during the rest of the run of the series). So see you then.


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