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24/September/2021 Posted by Freddy

        So we hit our first look at Visions today, with our review of Star Wars: Visions: Season 1: Episode 1: The Duel. Now we've added some stats here, but we'll return to this episode in the coming days as at the moment there's only the barest information available, and if we tried to cover all of the characters in the episode there would be a lot of Unidentified RA-7 Droid, Unidentified Trandoshan, Unidentified Village Leader. So we've added Ronin (Human Redeemed Sith), & Sith Bandit Leader (Human Sith Warrior) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, & Umbrella Lightsaber to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section of the Site.
        We'll return to these characters, and to this episode as more information is officially reveals. Also we've added a new time period to the site for these, Visions, as it's not even clear when this episode takes place (presumably some point after Rise of Skywalker since the raiders wear First Order Stormtrooper armour among other types), and I've also added these as EU, as they seem to be outside the normal Star Wars universe.


Comments made about this Article!

24/Sep/2021 18:31:31 Posted by GMOverkill

Nice. BTW, will you be making a notice for when the downloading issue is resolved?
Other than that I think you should do the other mainline movies in the same way as you have done with The Phantom Menace, because it was wonderful!
Friendly Greetings, GMOverkill.

27/Sep/2021 12:45:26 Posted by Vaughn99

I know you need to put these 9 shorts is a place and there is not enough info for Canon but EU doesn't sound right, I think it would be more of Canon Infinities at the moment as with the First order references in some episodes being EU is really Legends and the First Order never happened and NEVER WILL thanks goodness :) lol. The other Non Post Rise of Skywalker episodes due use tv and movie events in the background which would still be Canon Infinities as none that I caught referenced anything in Legends. just my thoughts.

30/Sep/2021 08:43:21 Posted by Freddy

Okay, I'm finding as I watch on, that many of these do fit within canon. The Twins are post Rise of Skywalker, so work fine. The Village Bride & Tatooine Rhapsody both are post Revenge of the Sith, so work fine. So the only problem (so far, I am watching these as I review them, so have no idea about later episodes) is the first one, which doesn't fit anywhere.
At first thought I put it into the EU, as that's also what I also put some of the real oddities from the old (1970's-80's) Marvel comics (like the issue where it's revealed the Millennium Falcon is a prototype starfighter, or the one where Leia gets dissected by time travelling spirits from outside the universe).
But I agree with the above comment, that Visions doesn't fit in there nicely.
Perhaps I should add a Legends tag? But for the moment, I've just put the contents of Episode 1 of Visions into their own "Visions" category.

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