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11/June/2008 Posted by Freddy

        Added a Babylon 5 RPG section, with Player character templates for 1st Level Drazi Telepath, Dulann Wind Swords (1st Level Minbari (Religious) Telepath (P8)) and 1st Level Narn Telepath.

        Also added a Farscape RPG section, with Non-Player Characters Pa’u Dan elle (Delvian Priest 10), Doctor Nygela (Hynerian Scientist 10), Joolushko Tunay Fento Hovalis (Interion Aristocrat 10_, Sikozu Svala Shanti Sugaysi Shanu (Kalish Tech 10), Ja F’arr (Luxan Warrior 10), Klara (Nebari Rogue 5 Warrior 5), Captain Klaudi Craine (Sebacean Commando 8 Diplomat 2) and Van Mauler (Vorcarian Commando 9 Warrior 3).

        All of which are contributions by K. Since both of these games are pretty much extinct, I guess that there won't be many updates to them (unless you know better), but its nice to expand our portfolio of games even more.

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