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Ubrikkian Arms L60 blaster rifle

Ubrikkian Arms L60 blaster rifle

Human replica droid

Human replica droid

Section of Site: Equipment D20Belongs to Faction: Subtype: ARMOUREra: New RepublicCanon: No

Nerical Defensive Armor

The ELV-779 combat armor series was one of the things created by Elvar
Nerical during his brief time as a RanCorp weapon's engineer. It's a
hard shell of veritane with a special sealant to keep it safe in hot
temperatures. The thing that makes this armor so special is the micro-
filament  grid built into it. This grid can absorb enrgy from a blaster
or stun baton and charge the defensive matyrix with it. The defensive
matrix is just another grid in the armor that conducts the stolen
energy so anyone touching the armor or striking it with a a conductive
object is electricuted. To ensure the wearer is unhurt by this the
inside is coated with a protective sheath. In the short time it's been
out many have come up with the idea of running a current through the
armor right before battle.

The ELV-779 Defensive Armor consists of the following pieces:

Model: ELV-779 Combat Plate
Type: Light
Cost: 3,000 Cr
DR: 4
Max Dex Bonus: +5
Armor Check Penalty: - 3
Speed: 10 (10 m), 6 (6 m)
Weight: 7 kg

Model: ELV-779 Combat Helmet
Type: Light
Cost: 1,200 Cr
DR: 4
Max Dex Bonus: +5
Armor Check Penalty: - 3
Speed: 10 (10 m), 6 (6 m)
Weight: 3 kg

Model: ELV-779 Combat Arm Bracers
Type: Light
Cost: 2,100 Cr
DR: 3
Max Dex Bonus: +5
Armor Check Penalty: - 3
Speed: 10 (10 m), 6 (6 m)
Weight: 3 kg

Game Notes: +1D+2 physical, +1D energy (arms).

Model: ELV-779 Combat Leg Greaves
Type: Light
Cost: 2,100 Cr
DR: 3
Max Dex Bonus: +5
Armor Check Penalty: - 3
Speed: 10 (10 m), 6 (6 m)
Weight: 3 kg

Game Notes: +1D+2 physical, +1D energy (legs).

Defensive Matrix:
Critical: -
Range Increment: -
Stun Damage/Fort Save: 1d6 - 5d6/ DC 20 (See Notes)
Type: Energy
Size: Medium
Group: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Armor Defense Matricies)

Notes: If an energy weapon is used against the wearer and is
succesfuly resisted against, the micro-filament grid built
into the armor absorbs the energy and adds a 1d6 charge to the
defensive matrix (Maximum: 5 Charges). This matrix appears on
all of the above pieces.

Model: ELV-635 Anti-conductive boots
Type: Light
Cost: 800 Cr
DR: 3
Max Dex Bonus: +3
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Speed: 10 (10 m), 6 (6 m)
Weight: 1 kg

Notes:Electricity can not be conducted through these tough
combat boots. They were specily designed for use with the
ELV-779 series to stop the energy in the defensive matirx
from going to ground.

When used as one unit the armor has the following stats:

Model: ELV-779 Combat Armor
Type: Medium
Cost: 9,200 Cr
DR: 6
Max Dex Bonus: +4
Armor Check Penalty: - 3
Speed: 8 (10 m), 4 (6 m)
Weight: 17 kg

Defensive Matrix: See Above

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All text and stats by Dave Maloney,Set Anu-bith, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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