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Mestic M-16h Heavy Assault Rifle

The M-16h is the most powerful rifle in the M-16 family and is meant to be
issued to the heavy weapons operator in a squad. Its main feature is a
grenade launcher with is mounted under the barrel. The grenade launcher
provides the user with superior firepower and longer range than most
standard rifles. Some clever field technicians have been known to modify the
grenade launcher to fire a single anti-vehicle missile (3D speeder scale),
however, often times this results in the missile becoming jammed in the
launcher and usually detonating before the soldier using has a chance to

In Game Terms: Modifying the grenade launcher into a missile launcher
requires that all grenades first be removed (either fired or removed by the
character for throwing or some other purpose). A Moderate Firearms Repair
roll is required to modify the the launcher to fire only small missiles
(usually small motar shells). On a Wild Die reroll of 6 when firing the
launcher, the launcher becomes jammed and the missile will detonate in 1D
rounds. Missiles: 3D speeder scale, blast radius 8 meters.

Model: Mestic Munitions M-16h Heavy Assault Rifle
Type: Automatic slugthrower rifle/mini-grenade launcher
Scale: Character
Skill: Firearms: auto-rifle
       Missile weapons: grenade launcher
Ammo: 30 (standard clip), 50 (extended clip)
      Grenades: 6
Cost: 1,600 credits (standard clips: 25; extended clips: 40)
Availabilty: 4, X
Range: Rifle: 3-10/35/100
       Grenade Launcher: 3-30/100/250
Fire Rate: Rifle: 2 (semi-auto)
           Grenade Launcher: 1
Damage: Rifle: 4D+2 (semi-auto), 5D+2 (burst of 5 rounds)
        Grenades: 7D/6D/5D (blast radius: 1-2/4/6)
Game Notes: On constant-fire mode the M-16 fires a burst of 5 rounds per
            shot. Once a hit is established, all following shots against
            nearby (1 meter) targets are one difficulty lower.
            Flash Suppressor: Adds +1 to Difficulty to any visual attempts
            to locate the M-16's firer at medium range, +2 at long range.

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All text and stats by Ryan Matheny, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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