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Section of Site: Vehicles D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: RepulsorliftEra: ImperialCanon: No

Lynx Combat Support Repulsortank

The modern-day repulsortank is fast and is both heavily armored and armed.
The Imperial Lynx Combat Support Repulsortank is designed to far surpass
any enemy tank, especially MetaCorp's "Marauder" and RanCorp's "Rancor"

The Lynx is armed to the teeth, with a 125mm massdriver cannon
incorporating ‘sabot' ammunition (see stats). A medium blaster cannon
acts as a secondary weapon, in case the main gun has become disabled or
inoperative. An RB-23 medium repeating blaster provides covering fire for
the crew when being attacked by infantry/anti-tankers.

Craft: Ubrikkian Lynx Combat Support Repulsortank, Model A
Type: Battlefield superiority repulsortank
Scale: Speeder
Length: 11.5 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: Lynx Combat Support Repulsortank
Crew: 4
Crew Skill: Varies
Passengers: 1 (platoon sergeant or communications officer)
Cargo Capacity: 150 kilograms
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground - 3 meters
Cost: Not available for sale
Maneuverability: 1D+2
Move: 60; 170 km/h
Body Strength: 5D
        Passive: 15m/0D
        Scan: 25m/1D
125mm Massdriver Cannon
        Fire Arc: Turret
        Crew: 2
              Scale: Walker
              Skill: Vehicle Firearms
              Ammo: 50 standard and 20 sabot
              Fire Control 1D+2
              Range: 35-150/550/2.5 km
              Damage: 7D*
Medium Blaster Cannon
              Fire Arc: Turret
              Crew: 1
              Skill: Vehicle Blasters
              Fire Control: 1D+1
              Range: 50-200/500/1 km
              Damage: 3D+2
Medium Repeating Blaster
              Fire Arc: Front
              Crew: 1
              Scale: Character
              Skill: Vehicle Blasters
              Range: 3-75/375/575
              Damage: 7D
Smoke Projection Unit
              Fire Arc: Rear, Left and Right
              Crew: 1
              Skill: Missile Weapons
              Range: 10 meters
              Effect: +2D to the difficulty of all ranged weapon and Perception  
                skill checks for characters within the radius of the smoke.
                Effect last for 4D rounds.
* The damage code listed is for standard massdriver ammunition. See
  Imperial X4 Rocket-Propelled Sabot Round stats for the damage of the
  sabot round.

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Page designed in Notepad, Logo`s done in Personal Paint on the Commodore Amiga
All text and stats by Craig Marx,Overlord, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
Images stolen from an unknown website at some remote time in the past.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.