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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Old RepublicSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Xamar
Homeworld: Belnar
Died: 3963 BBY, Coruscant
Species: Khil
Gender: Male
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: Pale green
Affiliation(s): Jedi Order, Jedi Covenant, First WatchCircle, Galactic Republic, Republic Navy
Masters: Krynda Draay
Apprentices: Gharn
Move: 10

            Blaster: 3D+2
            Brawling Parry: 3D
            Dodge: 5D+2
            Lightsaber: 6D
            Command: 5D+2
            Hide: 4D+2
            Persuasion: 4D+2
            Search: 5D
            Sneak: 5D
            Languages: 4D+1
            Scholar; Jedi Lore: 6D
            Streetwise: 4D+1
            Tactics; Space Combat: 5D+2
            Willpower: 5D+2
            Brawling: 3D+2
            Climbing/Jumping: 4D+2
            Astrogation: 4D
            Capital Ship Piloting: 4D+2
            Capital Ship Gunnery: 3D+2
            Communications: 5D
            Repulsorlift Operation: 4D+1
            Sensors: 4D+2
            Space Transports: 4D+1
            Capital Ship Repair: 3D+1
            First Aid: 3D
            Lightsaber Repair: 4D

         Musicians: Their natural communications method lead to Khil being natural musicians and singers, gaining a bonus +2D to performing when singing or playing musical instruments.

Story Factors:
         Melodious Voices: The musical way that Khil make noises leads to them speaking in a melodious way, which is pleasing to the ears of most other species.

Force Skills:
            Control: 9D
            Sense: 12D
            Alter: 8D+1
Force Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Healing, Concentration, Control Pain, Enhance Attribute, Hibernation Trance, Resist Stun, Combat Sense, Danger Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Telekinesis, Lightsaber Combat, Projective Telepathy, Accelerate Anothers Healing, Control Anothers Pain, Affect Mind, Projected Fighting, Lesser Force Shield, Sense Path, Instinctive Astrogation, Farseeing


Equipment: 500 Credits, Jedi Robes, Comlink, Utility Belt, Datapad, Lightsaber (5D)

Description: Xamar was a male Khil trained as a Jedi by Krynda Draay following the Great Sith War, who later took part in the Padawan Massacre of Taris. After being discovered to be Force-sensitive as a youth, he was taken to the Draay Estate on Coruscant to be trained as a Jedi Consular, along with a group of other talented students. Together, this group's abilities were far greater than the sum of their parts, and their teacher, Krynda Draay, believed they were the group she had prophesied would vanquish the threat of the Sith. After completing their training, Xamar and the others were inducted into the secret, cabalistic Jedi Covenant, and formed the First WatchCircle, though he spent some time serving with both the Republic Fleet and the navy of his homeworld. Early in the Mandalorian Wars, the First WatchCircle took on a group of Padawans on Taris, with Xamar training a Nagai named Gharn.

However, the WatchCircle had a vision of one of the Padawans turning to the dark side and slaying them all, and they decided to kill each of their Padawans to prevent it from happening. Xamar was far more cautious about the massacre than his peers, but ultimately slew Gharn with his lightsaber. One of the Padawans, Zayne Carrick, escaped, and the WatchCircle made him a scapegoat for the murders, but was unable to apprehend him. After Covenant members Raana Tey and Feln had been killed inadvertently by Marn Hierogryph, the WatchCircle's leader, Lucien Draay, assigned Xamar to Republic Admiral Saul Karath's flagship, Courageous, to try to prevent Carrick from reaching Coruscant and exposing the Covenant to the Jedi Order proper. In Xamar's earlier vision, he had been killed by friendly fire while aboard a Republic ship; rather than waiting to meet his fate, he decided to take the initiative and make his own luck. He fled the Republic ship, captured Carrick personally, and presented him to the Jedi Council. Xamar confessed to killing the Padawans and supplied the Council with information on the Covenant. Enacting a plan formulated by Xamar and the Council, the Khil took Carrick to the Draay Estate, pretending to have captured him by force, though things went awry, and his plot was foiled by Krynda's retainer, Haazen. A force of Jedi Knights supplied by the Council arrived, and Xamar clashed blades with a number of Covenant members before fleeing outside. There, he was killed when an overhead Republic ship fired on his position.

Personality and traits
Like most Khil, Xamar was very cautious, and he often clashed with Lucien Draay during his time in the First WatchCircle. Draay's modus operandi involved acting what Xamar saw as arbitrarily and often hastily, while the Khil Jedi preferred more patient methods, usually wanting to seek approval from the Covenant—or, more specifically, Krynda—before acting. In the aftermath of the Rogue Moon Prophecy, Xamar refused to take part in the killings unless Draay contacted his mother and sought her approval; ultimately, it took a lie from Draay to persuade Xamar. Xamar was fanatically loyal to Krynda, so such so that he was willing to risk—or, if it came to it, give—his life for hers. He recognized that she was extremely important, being one of the few Jedi seers still alive after the harrowing Great Sith War. Thus, he was happy to give up his freedom to the Jedi Council in exchange for Krynda's full immunity. He also insisted on playing a part in her kidnap from Draay Estate.

Xamar held all life in very high regard. While the other First WatchCircle members had little doubts about killing their Padawans after the vision, Xamar was unsure, and thought it would be a tragedy if they misinterpreted the prophecy and killed their learners needlessly. Lucien Draay saw the killings as merely part of their mission to stop the Sith, but to Xamar they were much more—and still weighed heavily on his conscience months later. During Xamar, Feln, and Q'Anilia's vision at Raana Tey's memorial, when they were fighting the rakghouls, Xamar attempted to protect the vulnerable Q'Anilia, unlike Feln, whose only concern was with his own safety. Later, during the Jedi attack on the Draay Estate, Xamar told Vrook Lamar's Jedi strike team to do as little harm as they possibly could to the Covenant members guarding the Estate—they were all Jedi and had the same overall goals, even if their methods of achieving these goals differed greatly, and, in Xamar's estimation, none deserved death.

Xamar stood apart from many of his peers on the WatchCircle in many ways. He was more honest than Feln and Raana Tey; he wanted to tell the Jedi Council of the prophecy and its implications during their audience on Coruscant, while the others wanted to keep it secret and deal with it themselves. Additionally, the fact that he and his peers were operating in the shadows, unsanctioned by the proper authorities, concerned him greatly, while others relished being free of any rules. He was less violent than Feln; more clearheaded than the passionate Raana Tey; and more defiant towards Lucien Draay than Q'Anilia, often questioning his orders and using sarcasm in his presence. He and Draay had many differences, and for a time Xamar acknowledged that Draay was a better leader than he, but ultimately he felt that Draay had gone corrupt with power and was incompetent. Xamar was not particularly ambitious and rarely had designs on leading any groups; he theorized that this came with the intricate knowledge he held of the future, and that those who could not see the future, such as Draay—who he was often dismissive of—were more likely to seek personal success.

Powers and abilities
Xamar was a talented Jedi seer, and one of Lady Krynda Draay's most promising students as a youth. After the loss of her husband in the Great Sith War, Krynda refused to train any Jedi for over five years; it was a testament to the abilities of Xamar and his peers that she came out of retirement to train them. While Xamar's ability to see the future was great, when he worked with the other students his powers were enhanced. Sometimes visions came to Xamar and the other WatchCircle members when they least expected them, and nothing could be done to stop them coming; other times, he and his peers actively sought out the future, traveling to serene locations to attune their relationship with the Force. The Rogue Moon Prophecy came as a result of the WatchCircle traveling to one of Taris' moons to meditate; they hoped to search the future, but weren't trying to find anything in particular, unlike during the hunt for Zayne Carrick, when Xamar and his peers used their divinatory skills to find out where Carrick would flee to. At other times, such as Raana Tey's funeral, the visions would come unexpectedly, often leaving Xamar disoriented and unsure where he was after they had ended.

Xamar was also a competent military commander, serving with his species' navy for a time early in his life, as well as working with the Republic Fleet on numerous occasions. He had a keen knowledge of capital ships, and his knowledge garnered him much respect from the likes of Saul Karath, who were dismissive of most Jedi.

Though the less physical aspects of being a Jedi appealed to him most, Xamar was able to wield a lightsaber in some capacity. As a youth, he was given rudimentary training by Haazen, though whenever Xamar and the other Consulars-in-training sparred with Lucien Draay, they always came off worse. Later, during Zayne Carrick and Jarael's raid on the Jedi Tower, Xamar could do little to stop Jarael, who was wielding a lightsaber. Xamar was diminutive in size and was not a violent being; as such, Draay was able to throttle him with ease later in life. Xamar again had to use his lightsaber during the Jedi attack on the Draay Estate, in which he acquitted himself well, fending off many Covenanters.

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