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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Old RepublicSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Lucien Draay
Homeworld: Coruscant
Born: 4000 BBY
Species: Near-Human (75% Human, 25% Miraluka hybrid)
Gender: Male
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: Light
Affiliation(s): Jedi Order, Jedi Covenant, Hand of the First WatchCircle, True Covenant
Apprentices: Zayne Carrick
Move: 10

        Blaster: 4D+2
        Brawling Parry: 8D
        Dodge: 9D+1
        Lightsaber: 12D
        Melee Weapons: 8D+2
        Melee Parry: 7D+2
        Vehicle Blasters: 4D+2
        Bargain: 4D
        Command: 8D
        Con: 6D
        Investigation: 4D
        Persuasion: 4D
        Search: 6D
        Sneak: 4D+1
        Alien Species 5D
        Bureaucracy 6D
        Business: 3D+2
        Cultures: 5D+1
        Languages: 6D+1
        Planetary Systems: 5D
        Scholar (Jedi Lore): 7D
        Streetwise: 4D+2
        Survival: 4D+2
        Tactics: 6D
        Willpower: 8D
        Brawling: 8D+2
        Climbing/Jumping: 5D
        Astrogation: 4D
        Communications: 4D
        Space Transports: 5D
        Starship Gunnery: 5D
        Repulsorlift Operation: 5D+2
        Starship Shields: 4D
        Sensors: 3D+2
        Lightsaber Repair: 5D

Force Skills:
        Control: 9D+2
        Sense: 8D+1
        Alter: 9D

Force Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Healing, Concentration, Control Pain, Detoxify Poison, Emptiness, Enhance Attribute, Hibernation Trance, Reduce Injury, Remain Conscious, Resist Stun, Combat Sense, Danger Sense, Instinctive Astrogation, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive
Telepathy, Sense Force, Telekinesis,  Lightsaber Combat, Projective Telepathy, Accelerate Anothers Healing, Control Anothers Pain, Return Another To Consciousness, Affect Mind

         CREDITS - Vast Personal Riches
                 Lightsaber (5D), Expensive Jedi Robes, Utility Belt, Comlink


Description: Lucien Draay was a Jedi Master during the era of the Mandalorian Wars who, in 3964 BBY, helped perpetrate the infamous Padawan Massacre of Taris. The son of Human Jedi Knight Barrison Draay and half-Human, half-Miraluka Jedi Master Krynda Draay, Lucien was born the heir to the elite Draay family, a dynasty of wealthy financiers. Barrison Draay was killed in the Great Sith War when Lucien was very young, and he was left to be raised by his mother, a famed Jedi Seer who paid little attention to Lucien after finding that he did not have her talent for seeing the future. After several years removed from Jedi affairs entirely, Krynda began training a new class of young seers, but excluded Lucien—although the boy showed strong promise as a Jedi and had considerable natural talent with a lightsaber, taking after his father, Lucien was left to be trained by family retainer Haazen while Krynda concerned herself with her seers. Krynda went on to form the Jedi Covenant, a secret group of seers within the Jedi Order that was dedicated to keeping watch for the rise of the Sith, and after Lucien grew into an extremely capable young Jedi Knight, he was welcomed into the fold. Draay served as the Hand to the Covenant's First WatchCircle, providing practical help and protection to the seers, and eventually becoming one of the Covenant's top on-the-ground leaders.

In the years before the Mandalorian Wars, Draay and his WatchCircle were assigned to the Jedi Tower on the planet Taris, where they each took Padawans. Draay was responsible for training a young Human named Zayne Carrick, who quickly proved himself to be the least of his class. In 3964 BBY, the seers of the First WatchCircle had a traumatic shared vision that they interpreted to mean that one of their apprentices would bring about the ruin of the Jedi Order, and Draay responded by immediately ordering their execution to avert the prophecy. The massacre was carried out at a false Knighting ceremony in the Jedi Tower, but Carrick managed an unlikely escape from Taris, a public embarrassment that caused Draay and the WatchCircle to be reassigned. Carrick was pinned for the murders, and Draay continued a dogged pursuit that soon obsessed him completely, although Carrick continued to elude him and the Covenant at every turn. After the manhunt claimed the lives of Draay's colleagues Raana Tey and Feln, Carrick was finally nabbed by First WatchCircle member Xamar while attempting to bring evidence to clear his name to the Jedi High Council on Coruscant, although Xamar agreed to turn state's evidence and take down Draay and the Covenant from the inside. However, a Jedi raid on the Covenant's Draay Estate headquarters was turned aside when Haazen revealed that he had been the true power behind the Covenant all along, and attempted to cause an insurrection within the Jedi Order. Although Haazen planned to turn Draay to the dark side to lead a new army of Sith under Haazen's banner, Draay rejected his old trainer and worked together with Carrick to foil his schemes. Draay was heavily wounded in the process and was popularly believed to have died, but secretly retreated to a private moon in the Outer Rim to live out his days as leader of a new True Covenant dedicated to keeping the Jedi teachings alive through any prophesied doom.

Personality and traits
A ruthless, driven man not given to sentiment, Lucien Draay committed his entire life to the Jedi Covenant, valuing the survival of his order above anything else. His father dead and largely ignored by his mother, Draay grew up deprived of normal family relationships, growing spiteful in the process. Instead, Draay developed a love-hate surrogate parental relationship with family retainer Haazen, although Draay openly scorned him as a failed Jedi prospect. Although Draay outwardly held Haazen in little regard and often went against Haazen's orders, Draay still unwittingly allowed himself to be manipulated by his father's former friend for most of his life. Draay found no solace in his social circle, either. While his elite family name gave him access to a similarly elite group of friends, he found them to be self-involved and tiresome, especially his old friend Arkoh Adasca.

Draay grew up extremely frustrated by his mother's lack of attention, and was deeply unsatisfied by his Jedi training, as he was left to Haazen instead of learning with his mother's seers as he desired. Although he never knew his father, Lucien held Barrison Draay in high esteem, and continued to do so throughout his life, feeling that when he took his seat on the Jedi High Council that his father should have been there instead of him. Most of all, Lucien admired his father's prowess as a warrior, and followed strongly in Barrison's footsteps. And despite his mother's scorn, after being brought into the fold of the Jedi Covenant, Draay became completely devoted not only to her, but to the Covenant's mission. As a teacher, Draay was remote and unhelpful to his charge Zayne Carrick, but found his Padawan's bumbling convenient, as it allowed him to write him off as a lost cause and focus all his energy on the Covenant. Privately, Draay admitted that he found Carrick's travails entertaining.

Committed to never letting personal bonds get in the way of his work, Draay had little use for friends. However, Draay had his own close, pseudo-romantic relationship with fellow Covenanter Q'Anilia that stretched over many years, and also had a friendship of sorts with Feln, who made it a personal quest to get Draay to crack a smile. Draay had a rockier relationship with Xamar, as the Khil's cautious nature, characteristic of his species, led the two to clash often. After his Padawan's escape, Draay was initially doubtful that Carrick was the dark figure glimpsed in the rogue moon prophecy, but subsequent events drove Draay to believe wholeheartedly that Carrick had fallen to the dark side. This conviction, his deep and abiding hatred of the Sith, and his commitment to the survival of the Jedi ways that was at the core of the Jedi Covenant's mission, drove Draay to become absolutely obsessed with hunting Carrick down.

It was in the affair surrounding the Padawan Massacre that Draay's ruthless side came out. A brutally pragmatic man, Draay was immediately willing to kill the apprentices after the vision on the rogue moon, and had no qualms with killing innocent people along the way. To Draay, the mission was all, and no deed—lying to the Jedi High Council, theft, or cold-blooded murder—was off-limits if it served the ultimate goal of the Jedi Covenant. And although he was repeatedly commanded to either disengage from the manhunt for Carrick or bring him in alive, Draay became so convinced that killing Carrick was the only way to save the galaxy from ruin that he refused to accept any other option. Haazen's treachery, the revelation of how the family retainer had manipulated Draay throughout his life, and his mother's death drove him near-mad with grief and to the brink of the dark side, causing Draay to lash out in rage and drowning his soul in betrayal and fury. However, Draay's memory of his father helped him reject the Sith destiny Haazen had planned for him, and let go of his hatred of Carrick to work together with him to foil Haazen's plans. Despite the losses he suffered, Draay emerged on the other side with a sense of inner clarity that had eluded him for his entire life, moving him to honor his father's memory by starting a True Covenant to honor his father's belief in choosing one's own way.

Powers and abilities
Although Draay had Miraluka blood through his mother, Draay was born with only physical sight like his full-blooded Human father, and without the Force sight of his mother. This meant that Draay lacked the precognition that would have made him a success in his mother's eyes, Draay took after his father in other ways, namely his talent for combat. Draay was a natural with a lightsaber and had considerable promise with the Force, and by the time he was a teenager he was able to easily trounce any of his mother's other apprentices, including the legendary Feeorin warrior Feln. Trained in the Shii-Cho form of lightsaber combat, Draay grew only more formidable in later years, although all his talents with a lightsaber did not help him overcome Zayne Carrick's luck during his long pursuit of his former Padawan. Draay was also a strong fighter even without a lightsaber, able to take down a number of deadly HK-24 assassin droids with his hands tied behind his back on the Arkanian Legacy. Draay was also capable with telekinetic Force powers, and was an able pilot, owning and flying his own Baronial-class yacht. Draay was fluent in a number of languages aside from his native Basic, including Arkanian, Feeorin, High Galactic, Miralukese and Togruti.

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