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Section of Site: Creatures D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: CreaturesEra: New Jedi OrderCanon: EU

Name: Implanter
Type: Yuuzhan Vong Surgical Crustacean

Dexterity: 2D+1
Perception: 1D
Strength: 4D

Special Abilities:
          Yuuzhan Vong Pet: Yuuzhan Vong Pets, like themselves, are completely indetectable through the Force, and cannot be directly affected by it (inderect methods, such as throwing a rock at the biot, still work, but powers such as Lightsaber Combat, Detect Life or Telekinesis do not work).
          Fearsome Appearance: The Yuuzhan Vong Implanter recieves an additional +1D to Intimidation. If a character makes a successful Heroic Alien Species check, the Implanter recieves an additional +2D Intimidation for a grand total of +3D.
          Neurolitic Pain Appendages: The Implanter is equipped with one or more feathery appendages. These appendages carry a neurotoxin within their filaments which, upon contact with skin, causes extreme amounts of pain. A character attempting to resist or control pain caused by an Implanter must make a Heroic+5 Stamina check.
          Surge-Coral Implanters: Small grasping limbs affixed to the back of the Implanter are among the most important limbs. These tiny graspers implant Yorik-Kul seeds into victims' flesh.
          Scissor Claws: STR+2D
          Sharp Claws: STR+1D

Move: 11
Size: 0.7m height
Orneriness: 1D

Description: Perhaps one of the most feared creatures possessed by the Yuuzhan Vong, the Implanter was the surgical creature the Yuuzhan Vong used to implant Yorik-Kul (literally "Surge-Coral") into their slaves and prisoners. The Implanter was, like nearly every other Yuuzhan Vong biotically created creature, a controlled mutation of an original crustacean from their homeworld, Yuuzhan'tar. The Implanter, also known as a 'creeper', would inflict extreme pain to disable their victims, then implant their seeds. Aside from this, the Implanters had little other purpose.

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