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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: No

BlasTech MD-20 Disrupter pistol

When Merr-Sonn introduced their MSD-32 disruptor, BlasTech wasn't all that
impressed. But when Merr-Sonn recently introduced their MSD-36 disruptor,
BlasTech started to take notes. BlasTech copied and then improved the MSD-36
design, putting the weapon in a new frame and increasing the overall range
slightly as well as increasing the efficiency of the power converters giving
BlasTech's version extra shots with each standard power pack.

Even due to their illegality, short range and high cost, disruptors still
prove to be some of the most lethal weapons to be found. Disruptors work by
breaking down objects at a molecular level. They have a short range and
quickly drain their power cells, but almost guarantee lethal results.
Disruptors are outlawed almost everywhere and are typically seen only in
the hands of terrorists and pirates.

Model: BlasTech MD-20 Disruptor
Type: Molecular disruption pistol
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: disruptor pistols
Ammo: 15
Cost: 5,750 credits
Availability: 4, X
Fire Rate: 1
Range: 1-4/6/9
Damage: 6D

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