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Section of Site: Characters D20Belongs to Faction: Subtype: SkillsEra: ImperialCanon: No

Prana Bindu

Prana Bindu is an advanced form of body training. Prana refers to
musculature and absolute and ultimate control over each muscle as
an individual unit. Bindu refers to the nervous system and precise
control voer the signals it sends out and feeds back to the brain.
This is considered to be the Ultimate conditioning of the mind. The
Bene Gesserit teach it to their sisters and to certain other groups
within their care. It takes a great deal of practice and training to
even start down the path of Prana Bindu training. It uses very
discplined control of both muscles and nervous system, blocking pain
and learning to use every muscle as a single individual unit and then
using all of them as a whole. for some it may take
years to train in
Prana Bindu.

Prana Bindu (Con)
Pre-Requisites: Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Will +5, Fortitude +5,
Constitution 15+

Note: Each rank bought in this skill costs the character
three skill points.

Effect: This skill has many benefits and values.
1) +3 to Initative (Stacks with the Improved Initiative Feat).

2) If Character has the Martial Artist feat, as described on pg 95,
SWCRB, 1st Ed. , they may also get their Strength ability modifier
added to unarmed attack damage.

3) With an Easy (DC: 5) skill check they can ignore the effects of
a stun weapon. With a Moderate (DC: 15) skill check they will not
be knocked prone from a strike by an enemy, they still take any
penalties due to being wounded though. With a Difficult (DC: 25)
skill check they will not fall into unconciousness from 0 wound
points, they still must make a Saving Throw and are in danger of dying.

4) +2 synergy bonus to all Swim, Climb, Jumping, and Tumble skill checks.

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