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Section of Site: Starships D20Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: TransportEra: ImperialCanon: No

Bulk Bacta Hauler

In order to transport massive amounts of healing bacta across the galaxy,
Xucphra Corporation, one of the main bacta producing companies on
Thyferra, required specialized tanker vessels.

Tanker vessels are massive transports which carry liquid cargoes from place
to place. The average bacta tanker is usually armed and well escorted to
prevent piracy of the extremely valuable bacta cargo.

The Xucphra/CEC bult bacta haulers are among the most commonly used
bacta tankers in service. They feature a double turbolaser turret
along the ventral side to defend against attacks, carry a squad of
troops (usually corporate soldiers, although Imperial tankers
usually deploy a squad of navy troopers), and feature a pair of
shield generators (one at each end of the vessel) for added

In addition to its defensive capabilities, the bulk bacta hauler is equipped
with four detachable tanks. The detachable tanks allows for quick delivery
and pickup of cargo. In a typical bacta run the tanker will enter orbit and
release its four tanks (for pickup by local space tugs or other vessels) and
then pick up four empty tanks (left from the last delivery). The entire
process, if well executed, takes little more than twenty to thirty minutes.

Craft: Xucphra/Corellian Engineering Corporation's Bulk Bacta Hauler
Class: Capital ship
Size: Large (179 m long)
Hyperdrive: x2 (backup x18)
Passangers: 8 (corporate troops)
Cargo Capacity: 100,000 tons (bacta; in four tanks), 900 tons
Consumables: 2 months
Cost: 1,200,000 (new), 500,000 (used)
Maximum Speed In Space: Cruising (2 squares/action)(full load),
(3 squares/action)(half load),(4 squares/action)(empty)
Atmospheric Speed: 650 km/h (11 squares/action)
Crew: 5 (Normal +2)
Initiative: +1 (-1 size, +2 crew)
Maneuver: +1 (-1 size, +2 crew)
Defense: 19 (-1 size, +10 armor)
Shield Points: 100 (DR 10)
Hull Points: 360 (DR 10)
  Double Turbolaser
    Fire Arc: Ventral turret
    Attack Bonus: +1 (-1 size, +2 fire control)
    Damage: 4d10x5
    Range Modifiers: PB -4, S -2, M/L +0

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