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Supervisor Lonni Jung (Human Rebel Agent/ISB Agent)

Supervisor Lonni Jung (Human Rebel Agent/ISB Agent)
Bruff (Twilek Musician)

Bruff (Twilek Musician)

Section of Site: Vehicles D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: Ground VehiclesEra: ImperialCanon: No

Imperial Heavy Land-Cruiser

During the time immediately surrounding the battle of Endor, the Empire
began a small and short-lived revitalization of treaded vehicles. Rather
than using repulsors these Land-Crusiers sued old fahsioned tnak tread.
However the reasons for this were logistical. Treaded vehicles can handle
uneven terrain better in many cases for one thing.Also hevay cannon recoil
would cause a repulsor vehicle to rock backwards. Finaly, there are 'dead
reckoning' sensors in each tread. These sensors monitor and record, with a
high degree of accuracy, the distance aand direction the craft moves. This
way, even if typical navigation systems fail, the pilot will still know
where the craft is and where it's heading. This is fed into a Global
Positioning Computer, and a Terrain Sensor that picks up and digitizes
landmarks. These systems work independantly with low power sensors to
determine the craft's surroundings and ehading. the 'dead reckoning'
supplements this and serves as a backup should these sensors be interfered
with. The Land-Cruisers typicaly have a Pilot, a Navigator, A
Communciations office, and a captain, as well as any gunenrs that may be
on board. The bridge of the cruisers is a small circular area ringed with
instrument pannels and montiors that feed information to the crew, with a
captain's chair positioned at the center, able to rotate to look at any
station. The Land-Cruisers saw the msot ammount of action during the hasty
retreats the Empire was forced to make. These craft showed up time and
again to supplement withdrawl forces to cover a retreat while under attack
from the New Republic.

The Hwavy Land-Cruiser was considered a fairly respectable vehicle, with
a devastating punch to it. The Heavy-LC has bascily the same wedge/box
shape to it that the Medium does. It's front slopes down, however it has
channels cut into it. These channels are cut into a cross, which the
Ultra-Heavy cannon traverses throguh, or cna come all the way up and out
the top to aim at skybound targets. There are diagnol pannels coming
abck on either side of the front. These pannels have dome-like turrets
on them with heavy repeaters mounted in them. The sides are perfectly
vertical with semi-gloubalr turrtes on either side also sporting the
heavy repeaters. The last repeater turret is on the back which slants
up at a 45 degree angle. The turret here is actualy just a slit that
widens out inside letting the gunner turn the gun while keeping a very
low profile. The angle of the back also gives cover and prevent any sort
of fire from above from hitting the slightly softer spot where the slit
is. The main weapon, an Ultra-Heavy blaster cannon, is a devastating
force. It traverse typicaly in the cross-shaped channels in the front of the
LC however it can also come free to the sides or up above giving it a wide
fire range. The cannon  has several gas chambers at regular itnervals down
along the barrel maintaining the blasts' power. The recoil from this blast is
such that it knocks the craft dead in it's tracks for a second, leaving the LC
immobile for approximately 1.8 seconds. The cannon however is capable of
taking down a shielded starfighter at two and a half kilometers, making it a
very formidable weapon. The Heavy LC saw little use in it's itneded role of
assaults. Once or twice when it did though, the Ultra-Cannon was capable of
cracking enemy emplacements in one shot. One such incidient involved
a New Republic stronghold in an ancient fortress whose walls had been
reinforced with modern armour. One shot from the Ultra-Cannon blew a hole
in the main wall. Demonstarting the LC's sheer armour and horsepower
strength, it then breached a relatively thin outter wall made of stone,
simply by ramming it. The originaly design for the Heavy LC was slightly
smaller, but it was enlarged to fit a more pwoerful drive section, thus
leaving it capable of moving as fast as a Medium or APC-LC.

Craft: Imperial Heavy-class Land-Cruiser
Type: Land Cruiser
Era: Endor+
Scale: Walker
Length: 28 meters
Skill: Ground Vehicle Operations: Land-Cruiser
Crew: 3 or 4; gunners: 6
Crew Skill: Ground Vehicle operation 6D, Vehicle Blasters 6D+1
Cover: Full
Cost: Not Avaialble For Sale
Maneuverability: 1D+2
Move: 30; 90 kmh
Body Strength: 6D
Ultra-Heavy Laser Cannon
     Fire Arc: Turret
     Scale: Walker
     Skill: Vehicle Blasters
     Ammo: 30
     Fire Rate: 1
     Fire Control: 3D+2
     Range: 50-500/1.5/2.5 km
     Damage: 9D+1
     Game Notes: The recoil onthe Ultra-Heavy Cannon immobilizes the Land-Cruiser
     for one round. When firing the cannon, the land-Cruiser loses any movement action
     that round. It may resume normal movement next round.
5 Heavy Repeating Blaster
     Fire Arc: 2 Front, 1 Left turret, 1 Right Turret, 1 Rear Turret
     Scale: Character
     Skill: Vehicle blasters
     Fire Rate: 5
     Fire Control: 6D
     Range: 20-150/300/800
     Damage: 7D

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