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Klatooine Paddy Frog (Edible Amphibian)

Klatooine Paddy Frog (Edible Amphibian)
Golan Arms CR-1 Blaster Cannon

Golan Arms CR-1 Blaster Cannon

Raspar Six (Sullustan Depot Manager)

Raspar Six (Sullustan Depot Manager)

Section of Site: Vehicles D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: RepulsorliftEra: ImperialCanon: No

MetaCorp M11A1 APC

The M11A1 is MetaCorp's main fighting vehicle and is positioned
almost everywhere. Not only is the M11A1 maneuverable and powerful,
but it can also carry a compliment of 12 combat ready soldiers in
the back. The M11A1 carries a crew of 2. 1 Pilot and 1 gunner, the
gunner sits in the co-pilot's seat and actually doesn't need to
climb into the turret to operate it. The gunner can instead hook
up to a goggle piece that is hooked directly into the sensory
systems. The pilot also has his own goggle piece which he can
clearly see his surroundings and maneuver accordingly, very
rarely do either crew member have to expose themselves during
combat situations. Within the passenger area, the passengers are
secured in individual saftey harnesses to prevent minimal injury
when the craft is performing high speed maneuvers in combat.
This can also be easily modified to act as a prisoner transport
speeder, where each prisoner is secured in place.

The M11A1 is an exremely modifiable craft, and comes in several
official modifications. The M11A2, M11A3, M11A4, and M11P5, which
all look very much the same as the M11A1 but with seperate
armaments. Also equiped on the M11A1 are shock absorbing safety
bars that will prevent the turret from crushing if the APC were
ever to flip on it's top. The bars also prevent 1D damage to the
craft if it were ever rammed in the front.
Craft: MetaCorp Industries M11A1 APC
Type: Armored Personnel Carrier
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Repulsorlift Operation: MetaCorp M11 series APC
Crew: 1; Gunners: 1
Crew Skill: Repulsorlift Operation 4D, Vehicle Blasters 4D
Passengers: 12
Cargo Capacity: 500 kilograms
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground Level - 100 Meters
Cost: 45,000 Credits
Maneuverability: 2D
Move: 90; 260 kmh
Body: 4D+2
        Passive: 10m/0D
        Search: 60m/1D
Double Blaster Cannon
        Fire Arc: Turret
        Crew: 1
        Skill: Vehicle Blasters
        Fire Control: 2D
        Range: 50-200/1 km/2 km
        Damage: 4D

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All text and stats by Brian Gavel,Overlord, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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