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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: Crossover

Th'ta Manufacturing SA-26 Rotary Grenade Launcher
type: rotary grenade launcher
skill: missile weapons: grenade launcher
availability: 2 F,R,X
cost: 1000 (spare cylinders 400cr)
ammunition: 6
fire rate: 3
range: 5-100/200/400 (+1D difficulty to hit at long range if fired with stock folded)
damage: varies by shell type
notes: reloading each cylinder counts as an action, as does opening or closing the cylinder. Replacing a cylinder takes one action.
Capsule: The Th'ta SA-26 is an excellent example of the wide diversity of designs available from smaller weapons houses. It has a six-shot, swing-out cylinder, which is advanced and fired from the double-action trigger, much like slug-thrower revolvers. It is fitted with a vertical foregrip and a top folding stock. The sight are of the holographic, heads-up type, mounted on a swivel over a diagram designating the proper angles for the proper range on the left side. This is of little concern, as the "floating dot" sight picture actually needs both eyes to work. The cylinder design has an added bonus of allowing misfires to be cleared with a simple trigger pull, then dumped out with the empty cases. In addition, the cylinder can be removed from it's axle, and replace with a proloaded one, facilitating extraordinarily fast load changes. It can fire shells up to 125mm overall.

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