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Boushh (Ubese Bounty Hunter)

Boushh (Ubese Bounty Hunter)




Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: HALOSubtype: UNSC/Human WeaponsEra: Canon: Crossover

Model M6D

The M6D Pistol is an 'up-sized' UNSC handgun issued to Navy officers, this model has been upscaled for use by SPARTAN-IIs in MJOLNIR armor. Even though the Spartan issue pistols are larger than the standard-issue variants (~117%) they can still share magazines. [3] The M6D is a semi-automatic, recoil-operated, magazine-fed, large-bore handgun that is controllable even during rapid fire, although at the cost of accuracy. It is most likely striker-fired, due to there being no visible external hammer. It fires M225 SAP-HE (Semi-Armor Piercing, High Explosive) rounds from a 12-round magazine. Operators can achieve an effective rate of fire of 3.5 rounds/sec or 210 rounds/min. The weapon is very accurate out to its maximum effective range. This accuracy allows incredibly precise target engagement at long range. This, combined with its decent damage against Energy Shields, makes it a viable option when faced with shielded opponents, such as Elites. It is, however, even more effective against unshielded infantry targets, being able to kill most targets in one shot to the head or two to three shots to the body.

Model: M6D
Type: Tactical Slugthrower pistol
Skill: Firearms: slugthrower pistol
Ammo: 12
Cost: 2400 (clips: 40 standard)

Fire Rate: 1, 2
Availabilty: 2, R or X
Range: 3-10/50/120
Damage: 4D+2 (standard SAP-HP ammo)
Game Notes:

-When using against a target with body armor,

apply the following damage modifications:
Armor Piercing: +2D

-Also if the user has an compatible electronic HUD for the pistol's scope system,

scope and sight are used for a round of additional aiming but reduce the difficulty of the shot by one level.

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