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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: HALOSubtype: UNSC/Human WeaponsEra: Canon: Crossover

Model M7/S

The M7S is a variant of the M7 Caseless Submachine Gun, which fires 5 x 23mm M443 Caseless Full Metal Jacket ammunition. This variant features an external flash and sound suppressor on the barrel along with a laser sight. Recoil from all but sustained fire is very controllable. Although the M7 submachine-gun is primarily issued to vehicle crews, it is also a favorite of commando teams in its sound suppressed version. Sustained automatic fire tends to cause the muzzle to ?walk? upwards as recoil compounds. Submachine guns, while not accurate over long distances, are particularly effective in close quarters. Muzzle flash is significantly decreased, and firing the weapon gives a barely noticeable sound, increasing stealth applications for the M7S Submachine Gun and increasing accuracy from decreased recoil making the weapon more efficient at medium-long range. It is a good weapon for stealth and hit-and-run missions.

Model: M7S
Type:Slugthrower Submachinegun
Skill: Firearms: slugthrower pistol / Submachinegun
Ammo: 48
Cost: 3200 (clips: 60 standard)

Fire Rate: 5
Availabilty: 2, R or X
Range: 3-10/40/80
Damage: 3D, 4D+1 Burst of 5

Game Notes:

-Silencing system: using soundwave absorption technology reduced noise to 1/3 silenced volume.

-Also if the user has an compatible electronic HUD for the weapon's scope system,

scope and sight are used for a round of additional aiming but reduce the difficulty of the shot by one level.

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