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Earth Alliance Hyperion Class Heavy Cruiser

Earth Alliance Hyperion Class Heavy Cruiser
Personal Identifier Transponders

Personal Identifier Transponders

Admiral Pevel Kronara (Human Republic Officer)

Admiral Pevel Kronara (Human Republic Officer)

Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: No

TEMPLATE TYPE -  Alpha Class Advanced Recon Commando
SPECIES - Human/Mandalorian (Clone)
HEIGHT - 1.83m
MOVE - 10

            Armor Weapons: 6D
            Blaster: 7D
            Brawling Parry: 6D
            Dodge: 6D
            Grenade: 5D
            Melee Combat: 6D+1
            Melee Parry: 5D+2
            Missile Weapons: 7D
            Vehicle Blasters: 4D

            Bargain: 6D
            Command: 5D+2
            Con: 5D
            Gambling: 7D
            Hide: 5D+2
            Investigation: 8D
            Persuasion: 6D+2
            Search: 6D
            Sneak: 6D+1


            Alien Species: 6D
            Bureacracy: 4D
            Cultures: 6D+1
            Intimidation: 6D+2
            Languages: 5D+2
            Planetary Systems: 6D
            Streetwise: 5D
            Survival: 5D+2
            Value: 6D
            Willpower: 6D
            Tactics: 6D+2

            Brawling: 6D+1
            Climbing/Jumping: 5D+1
            Lifting: 4D+1
            Stamina: 6D+2
            Swimming: 5D

            Astrogation: 6D
            Jet Pack Operation: 6D
            Repulsorlift Operation: 4D+2
            Space Transports: 7D
            Starship Gunnery: 6D+1
            Starship Shields: 5D
            Sensors: 6D
            Walker Operation: 4D+1

            Armor Repair: 5D
            Computer Programming/Repair: 4D+1
            Demolition: 6D+2
            Droid Programming: 3D+1
            Security: 7D+1
            Space Transport Repair: 5D+1
            First Aid: 6D
            Explosives: 6D

EQUIPMENT - BlasTech DL-54 Markman Heavy Blaster Pistol 5D+1

Mandalorian Heavy Battle Armor (green)
Type: Personal Battle Armor
Game Effects:
            Basic Suit:
                        +4D Physical
                        +3D Energy
                        +1D Strength (used for physical activity, not for
resisting damage.)
                        No DEX penalties

            Wrist Lasers:
                        Skill: Armor Weapons
                        Ammo: Powered from armor power supply
                        Range: 3-5/25/50m
                        Damage: 5D

            Flame Projector:
                        Skill: Armor Weapons
                        Ammo: 20
                        Range: 1m diameter 1-5m long
                        Damage: 5D

            Grenade Launcher:
                        Skill: Missile Weapons
                        Ammo: 4
                        Fire Rate: 1/2
                        Range: 1-50/200/300
                        Damage: Varies

                        Allows 70m horizontal or 50m vertical jumps.
                        Has 10 charges, may expend one charge every other round.

            Turbo-Projected Grapple:
                        Uses either a physical or magnetic grapple.
                        0-3/10/20m range.
                        Mounted on the right arm.
                        Missile Weapons skill.

                        Attached to grapple, has 100kg capacity (wearer and his

            IR/motion Sensor:
                        +1D PERC in darkness and/or against moving targets,
ahead and to both sides.

            Sensor Pod:
                        +2D Search, 25-100m

                        +3D Search, 100-500m

            Sound Sensor:
                        +1D PERC in quite situations only.

            Broadband Antenna:
                        Can intercept and decode most communications
frequencies. Can patch into shipboard and vehicular communications systems.

            Environmental Filter:
                        Filters out most harmful particles from the air or seal
with two hours of air.

Charcter Bio - Alpha-?2 was cloned from the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett
by the Kaminoan cloners on the planet Kamino in 32 BBY, one of the first test
class of Advanced Recon Commando soldiers made as part of the order for the
Grand Army of the Republic. While the Kaminoans instilled uniformity in their
clones, limiting the choices and individuality available to them, Alpha-?2 was a
case of a one percent failure rate in the Kaminoans' product. Of the hundred ARC
troopers in his class, he alone was independent and free-thinking, rejecting the
anonymity enforced on him, and internalizing no loyalty to the Galactic
Republic. Like all aberrant clones—which appeared in 3.5 percent of the general
clone population—Alpha-?2 was put through reconditioning. The process did not
take, but Alpha-?2 seemed to blend in with the other clones, and his peculiarity
was not noticed. The Kaminoan handlers came to call him "Spar." Alpha-?2
developed a
friendship with Mij Gilamar, one of the Mandalorian Cuy'val Dar trainers
working as a doctor. Eight-and-a-half years after his cloning, when he was
biologically seventeen years of age, Alpha-?2 heard a mention of Jango Fett's
exploits, which triggered a memory in him—not of his own life, but of Fett's.
Fett's memories returned to Alpha-?2 in a rush; and, knowing that they would be
reconditioned out of him, he prepared to make his escape from Kamino. Alpha-?2
began faking insanity and headaches to meet with Gilamar. Gilamar eventually
called in a favor with Jango Fett to smuggle Alpha-?2 off Kamino in the hold of
Fett's ship, Slave I. Alpha-?2's escape made him the first deserter from the
Grand Army.

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All text by Jason Dickerson, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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