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Kuat Drive Yards Pelta-class Command Cruiser

Kuat Drive Yards Pelta-class Command Cruiser

Section of Site: Droids D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: DROIDSEra: Post EmpireCanon: Yes

Type: SN-1F4 miniature sifter droid

Dexterity: 1D
Knowledge: 1D
         Value: 2D (Elements: 3D)
Mechanical: 1D
Perception: 2D
         Search: 3D (Elements: 4D)

Strength: 3D
Technical: 1D

Equipped with:
         Sand vacuum-head: Used for sifting valuable elements from sand.
         20kg Cargo Container: Used for filtered elements
         Movement Treads
         Rudimentary Vocabulator speech system (Binary only)

Move: 6
Size: 1.2 meters tall
Cost: 400 (used)

Description: SN-1F4 miniature sifter droid were a model of sifter droid. They moved on two treads and consisted of a squat body wrapped in wires topped with a transparent dome. Around thirty years after the Battle of Endor, one SN-1F4 unit was present in Niima Outpost on the planet Jakku. It passed two thugs working for the junk dealer Unkar Plutt as they pointed out the scavenger Rey and the BB unit BB-8 to a pair of First Order stormtroopers. Moments later Niima Outpost came under attack from First Order TIE/fo space superiority fighters.

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