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Lone Wolf and Heroes of Magnamund
Special Items and Artefacts

Herbs, Plants & Potions
The jars contain all manner of compounds and elements, from worthless dirt to precious gold dust, and many herbs besides. You search along the shelves and take down half a dozen jars whose contents you recognize:

Adgana has a pungent aroma. Adgana is a powerful narcotic that increases strength and sharpens reflexes; it enhances fighting prowess when swallowed immediately prior to combat. There is sufficient Adgana in this pouch for one dose, which would be enough to increase your COMBAT SKILL by 6 points for the duration of a fight.
Baknar oil gives excellent insulation from the bitter cold of Kalte, and it may save you valuable ENDURANCE points in the near future.
Floroa These clumps of fleshy fungi are called Floroa and are very nutritious. Swallowing a handful of these Floroa--restores 3 ENDURANCE points.
Gallowbrush Induces 10 hours' sleep and loss of 2 ENDURANCE points per dose.
Graveweed This black concentration is a pungent smelling of distilled Graveweed is a very powerful poison.
Larnuma This has a delicious aroma: this purple liquid is a liqueur made from the fruit of the Larnuma tree. It is very nutritious and each draught will restore 3 ENDURANCE points when consumed.
Laumspur Restores 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed after combat.
Laumwort Restores 2 ENDURANCE points if swallowed before or after combat.
Oede Very rare and valuable. Many healing properties. Cures serious diseases. One dose of the Oede herb can heal 10 ENDURANCE points of damage.
Oxydine Restores 2 ENDURANCE points if swallowed before or after combat. It will cure anyone infected with the korovax bacillus.
Rendalim'sElixir Restores 6 ENDURANCE points when swallowed after combat.
Sabito Enables user to breathe underwater.
TaunorWater This glass jar filled with Taunor Water, the healing spa water will restore 6 ENDURANCE points.
Volko Berries these black berries are only found in the remote uplands of Kakush, and much prized by magicians for their use as catalysts in their magical experiments. The juice of the berries aids or speeds up magical reactions between substances, while remaining unchanged itself.

Bronin Vest
This finely crafted bronin chainmail vest adds +7 bonus to the wearer's Armour Class (+4 Armour, +2 superior, +1 magical).

Armour Cost Armour/Shield Bonus Maximun Dex Bonus Armour Check Penalty Spell Failure Chance Speed Weight
Bronin Vest 6,390 gc +7 +4 -2 20% 30 ft. 25 lb.

Bronin Chainmail
This finely crafted bronin chainmail adds +7 bonus to the wearer's Armour Class (+5 Armour, +1 mastercrafted, +1 magical).

Armour Cost Armour/Shield Bonus Maximun Dex Bonus Armour Check Penalty Spell Failure Chance Speed Weight
Bronin Chainmail 9,270 gc +7 +2 -5 30% 20 ft. 40 lb.

Bronin WarhammerThis Bronin Warhammer, when used in combat it will add 1 point to your COMBAT SKILL total.

DeathstaffUsing the Deathstaff to accomplish this, you have left yourself vulnerable to its insidious power: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

Dessi StoneWith a Dessi Stone fitted into its hilt, your Weapon now inflicts double ENDURANCE point losses against an undead opponent in combat.

DoomstoneThis glowing crystal is a cursed gem of the Ancients it will bring sickness and death to any mortal who covets it.

Foe-hammerForged long ago, this sword is white and gold with a jewelled hilt and a blade inscribed with magical runes and kept in a beautiful ivory sheath. Foe-hammer has a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls (+2 superior, +1 magical). Foe-hammer is a bane against Darkspawn providing a +5 bonus to attack and damage them (+2 superior, +3 magical). The sword inflicts +2d6 fire damage against any creature with the Darkspawn subtype. Also, any damage inflicted by Foe-hammer upon creatures with the Darkspawn subtype cannot be prevented or reduced by any immunity, resistance or Damage Reduction.
Foe-hammer is supposed to glow with a blue or white flame when Darkspawn are near, warning the wielder he is in danger. It detects Darkspawn within 500 yards. The light becomes brighter the closer the Darkspawn are and the more of them there are. The light pains the eyes of Darkspawn and strikes fear into their hearts. Foe-hammer's wielder gains a +5 bonus to intimidate tests against Darkspawn when the weapon is drawn.

Weapon Name Cost Damage Critical Weight Type
Foe-hammer N/A 1d10 19-20/x2 6 lb. Slashing

Green MaskThis strange mask is made of a green, glass-like mineral and is shaped into a hideous visage. It will keep safe your identity from any casual inspection.

Grey Crystal RingThis ring of translucent grey crystal, the Grey Crystal Ring radiates an energy that is genuinely magical.
The price of the Grey Crystal Ring is 30 Gold Crowns.
This adds +3 to combat skill
This ring of translucent grey crystal gives a +6 bonus to Willpower and a +2 bonus to the levels of Mindshield, Mindblast, Psi-screen and Psi-surge giving the Kai Lord access to them early. For example if a Kai Lord had PSI-Screen Tier V? then he could have Damage Reduction 7 for Psychic Combat and his Mindshield Tier V would give him +7 to Will saves.

Anyone without these Kai Disciplines would gain them at Tier II with 6 Willpower points.

HelshezagHelshezag is the black sword of Darklord Kraagensk?l. Helshezag is a sword of superior quality, making it a terrifying weapon which adds a +7 bonus to attack and damage rolls (+2 superior, +5 magical). Helshezag excels at attacking creatures with the Darkspawn or Evil subtype or any Darklord of Helgedad. Against its designated foe, its effective enhancement bonus is +2 better than its normal enhancement bonus. Further, it deals +2d6 points of bonus damage against the foe. The power of the weapon is greatly intensified when used within the walls of Helgedad. Owing to its increased power it now adds a +12 bonus to attack and damage rolls (+2 superior, +10 magical). However, prolonged use of this evil blade will weaken your ENDURANCE score. In the second and subsequent rounds of every combat in which you use the sword, you must reduce your ENDURANCE level by 1d4 points.

Weapon Name Cost Damage Critical Weight Type
Helshezag N/A 1d8 19-20/x2 4 lb. Slashing

Ironheart Broadsword
This unique item would fire anyone's admiration--a mighty broadsword set with rubies, emeralds, and polished korlinium. Its size and weight are perfectly balanced, and, as you raise it above your head, it hums with a potent magical force locked within its mirror-bright blade.
The Ironheart Broadsword is a sword of sublime quality, which is even greater than superior quality making it a fearsome weapon which adds a +10 bonus to attack and damage rolls (+3 sublime, +7 magical).
As he shakes your hand he notices the blade with which you dispatched the Chaos-master. 'It is a good omen for my clan that the sword you used to banish the evil one was forged by my ancestors. I am doubly proud that it served you well. But now it must return to the Grand Sepulchre of the Meledorian, for such is their law.'

Weapon Name Cost Damage Critical Weight Type
Ironheart Broadsword N/A 1d10 17-20/x2 6 lb. Slashing

Jadin Amulet
This polished Jadin Amulet which is fixed to a gold neckchain.This Jadin Amulet is worn around your neck. It adds +1 bonus should you be using ranged combat, like missiles (arrows, bolts, darts, etc.). The miss chance of any concealment is halved.

Jadin AnkletsThese anklets

Kagonite ChainmailThis chainmail armour is crafted from a metallic mineral called kagonite. It is as light as wood, yet ten times harder than steel. The Darklords use an alloy of kagonite in the manufacture of weapons used by their troops, and it is this alloy which gives the blades of their weapons their black appearance.

Wearing this Kagonite Chainmail beneath your tunic will increase your armour class by +7 this includes an additional +2 bonus to armour class (+1 mastercrafted, +1 magical). Because it is so light, it can be worn beneath any padded or metallic body armour you may possess.

Armour Cost Armour/Shield Bonus Maximun Dex Bonus Armour Check Penalty Spell Failure Chance Speed Weight
Kagonite Chainmail 8,270 gc +7 +4 -2 20% 30 ft. 20 lb.

Kagonite Chainmail WaistcoatThe chainmail vest is crafted from a metallic mineral called kagonite. It is as light as wood, yet ten times harder than steel. The Darklords use an alloy of kagonite in the manufacture of weapons used by their troops, and it is this alloy which gives the blades of their weapons their black appearance.

Wearing this Kagonite Chainmail beneath your tunic will increase your armour class by +7 this includes an additional +3 bonus to armour class (+2 superior, +1 magical). Because it is so light, it can be worn beneath any padded or metallic body armour you may possess.

Armour Cost Armour/Shield Bonus Maximun Dex Bonus Armour Check Penalty Spell Failure Chance Speed Weight
Kagonite Chainmail Waistcoat 5,390 gc +7 +6 0 10% 30 ft. 12 lb.

Kingsmith Sword
This exceptional weapon made by Haben Kingsmith would fire anyone's appreciation, an impressive sword made from the finest steel. Its size and weight are perfectly balanced for Timber Wolf.
?The Kingsmith Sword is a sword of superior quality making it a fearsome weapon which adds a +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls (+2 superior, +2 magical), since it was crafted for Timber Wolf it is perfectly balanced and customised to him giving him +1 to hit with it. It is made from the finest steel giving it +1 hardness and +50% endurance.

Weapon Name Cost Damage Critical Weight Type
Kingsmith Sword N/A 1d8 19-20/x2 4 lb. Slashing

Korlinium ScabbardThis seemingly plain looking leather swordbelt and scabbard. It is prepared from materials impregnated with korlinium. It will contain and keep hidden the powers of any magical blade sheathed in it. It will even prevent the Darklords from detecting the Sommerswerd, even in the Darklands as long as it is sheathed.

Platinum AmuletProtective amulet

Psychic RingThis ring will add either +3 points to Will saves or the same bonus to psychic attacks. It can be swapped once per round as a free action.

Silver Bracers
These bracers empower the wearer to use any melee weapon as if they were proficient in its use. If they are already proficient with the weapon, they gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and a +1 bonus to damage dealt whenever using that weapon.

Silver Broach?

Silver Helmet
Despite its size, the Silver Helmet feels light and comfortable. If worn during combat, it will increase your COMBAT SKILL by 2 points.

Silver Rod

Skymetal Blade
This unique item would fire anyone's admiration, a mighty sword made of a strange blue metal. Its size and weight are perfectly balanced, and, as you raise it above your head, it hums with a potent magical force locked within its mirror-bright blade.
The Skymetal Blade is a sword of sublime quality, which is even greater than superior quality making it a fearsome weapon which adds a +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls (+3 sublime, +1 magical).
The sword had additional powers, but these seem to have faded with the destruction of the Beast and the Baron.

Weapon Name Cost Damage Critical Weight Type
Skymetal Blade N/A 1d8 19-20/x2 4 lb. Slashing

Staff of the Mountain SpiritTheStaff of the Mountain Spirit adds a +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls (+2 superior, +2 magical). It has all the powers and abilities of a Dessi Wizard's staff in addition to the following.
TheStaff of the Mountain Spirit's wielder gains a +5 bonus to bluff and diplomacy tests while holding the staff.
Once per day the wielder of the staff can use it to focus himself and regain his Wisdom score in Willpower points as a psychic action.

Weapon Name Cost Damage Critical Weight Type
Staff of the Mountain Spirit N/A 1d6/1d6 x2 4 lb. Bludgeoning

The Summer Sword The Summer Sword was created by the Kai Master Star Hawk, when he heard the tales of the Sommerswerd he wanted to create a powerful weapon. He spent years working on it, until one day its fine steel alloy blade took on a golden shine and Star Hawk felt it was finished.
Thissword is the size of a broadsword. However, its enchantment enables the Summer Sword to be wielded as if it were a short sword with respect to weight and ease of use. (In other words, the weapon appears to all viewers to be a broadsword, and deals broadsword damage, but the wielder feels and reacts as if the weapon were a short sword.) Any individual able to use either a broadsword or a short sword with proficiency is proficient in the use of the Summer Sword.
In normal combat, the glowing golden blade of the weapon is equal to a +5 broadsword (+2 superior, +3 magical). Against evil creatures, its enhancement bonus is +7 and it gains +1d6 points of bonus holy damage. Against Darkspawn and undead creatures, the sword deals double damage (and x3 on a critical hit instead of the usual x2).
The Summer Sword creates a Magic Resistance of 15 (or 10 plus character level whichever is greater) in a 5-foot radius, absorbing hostile magic directed at the wielder.
The Summer Sword is of good alignment, and any evil creature attempting to wield it gains one negative level.

Weapon Name Cost Damage Critical Weight Type
The Summer Sword N/A 1d10 19-20/x2 2 lb. Slashing

Statuette of Sl?tarThis gleaming golden statuette is a likeness of Sl?tar, a Darklord who once ruled Kaag. It is not magical, but posses a distinct aura of evil around it.

Statuette of ZagarnaIt is a statuette, fashioned in the likeness of Darklord Zagarna. It is not magical, but posses a distinct aura of evil around it.



Lone Wolf, The Roleplaying Game is ?2004 Mongoose Publishing under licence from Joe Dever.
All rights reserved.

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