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KIng Pychor Vuundir (Humanoid Monarch)

KIng Pychor Vuundir (Humanoid Monarch)




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Kai Grand Master Disciplines

Grand Master Disciplines

Kai and Magnakai Disciplines

During your distinguished rise to the rank of Kai Grand Master you have become proficient in all of the basic Kai and Magnakai Disciplines. These Disciplines have provided you with a formidable arsenal of natural abilities which have served you well in the fight against the agents and champions of Naar, King of the Darkness.

Now, through the pursuit of your new skills and the further development of your innate Kai abilities, you have set out upon a path of discovery that no other Kai Grand Master has ever attempted with success. Your determination to become the first Kai Supreme Master, by acquiring total proficiency in all twelve of the Grand Master Disciplines, is an awe-inspiring challenge. You will be venturing into the unknown, pushing back the boundaries of human limitation in the pursuit of greatness and the cause of Good. May the blessings of the Gods Kai and Ishir go with you as you begin your brave and noble quest.

During your rise in the Kai ranks you noticed many remarkable changes taking place within your body: you became physically and mentally stronger, your five primary senses sharpened beyond all that you had experienced before, and, perhaps most remarkably, your body began to age at a much slower rate. Now, for every five years that elapse you age but one year.

For every Grand Master Discipline you possess, in excess of four Disciplines you may add 1 point to your basic COMBAT SKILL score and 4 points to your basic ENDURANCE points score.


Grand Master Disciplines

For every Grand Master Discipline you possess, in excess of the original four disciplines you begin with, you may add 1 point to your basic COMBAT SKILL score and 2 points to your basic ENDURANCE points score. These bonus points, together with your extra Grand Master Discipline, your original four Grand Master Disciplines, and any Special Items that you have found and been able to keep during your adventures, may then be carried over and used in the next Grand Master adventure, which is called The Captives of Kaag.


Level Base Combat Skill Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Kai Rank Special
21st +15/+10/+5 +12 +7 +12 Kai Grand Master Senior Grand Master Discipline
22nd +16/+11/+6/+1 +13 +7 +13 Kai Grand Master Superior Grand Master Discipline
23rd +17/+12/+7/+2 +13 +7 +13 Kai Grand Sentinel Grand Master Discipline
24th +18/+13/+8/+3 +14 +8 +14 Kai Grand Defender Grand Master Discipline
25th +18/+13/+8/+3 +14 +8 +14 Kai Grand Guardian Grand Master Discipline
26th +19/+14/+9/+4 +15 +8 +15 Sun Knight Grand Master Discipline
27th +20/+15/+10/+5 +15 +9 +15 Sun Lord Grand Master Discipline
28th +21/+16/+11/+6/+1 +16 +9 +16 Sun Thane Grand Master Discipline
29th +21/+16/+11/+6/+1 +16 +9 +16 Grand Thane Grand Master Discipline
30th +22/+17/+12/+7/+2 +17 +10 +17 Grand Crown Grand Master Discipline
31st +23/+18/+13/+8/+3 +17 +10 +17 Sun Prince Grand Master Discipline
32nd +24/+19/+14/+9/+4 +18 +10 +18 Kai Supreme Master Grand Master Discipline
Grand Weaponmastery
Proficiency with all close combat and missile weapons. Master of unarmed combat; no COMBAT SKILL loss when fighting bare-handed.
????????? Tier II:Kai Grand Masters with this Discipline are able to focus on wielding weapons (i.e. Broadsword, Quarterstaff, Sword and so on). When wielding a weapon of the appropriate type in combat the Kai Grand Master gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls.
????????? Tier VI:Kai Grand Masters with this Discipline are able to wield two-handed weapons (i.e. Broadsword, Quarterstaff, Spear) with full effect, using only one hand.
????????? Tier VII:
Sun Lords with this Discipline are able to cause the metal edge of any non-magical weapon to ignite and burn fiercely. When a weapon thus affected is used in combat, it inflicts an additional 1 ENDURANCE point loss upon an enemy in every successful round of combat. This ability cannot be used with a wholly wooden weapon such as a quarterstaff.
Animal Mastery
Grand Masters have considerable control over hostile non-sentient creatures. Also, they have the ability to converse with birds and fishes, and use them as guides.
????????? Tier V:Kai Grand Guardians with this Discipline are able to summon a limited number of forest animals to their location. The creatures so summoned will become loyal and willing allies, willing to do the Kai Grand Guardian's bidding. This ability can only be used in an outdoor setting.
Deliverance (Advanced Curing)
Grand Masters are able to use their healing power to repair serious battle wounds. If, whilst in combat, their Endurance is reduced to 8 points or less, they can draw upon their mastery to restore 20 Endurance points. This ability can only be used once every 20 days.
????????? Tier VI:Sun Knights who possess this skill are able to repair serious wounds sustained by creatures other than themselves. By the laying of hands upon the affected creature's body, a Sun Knight can cause an open wound (or other serious injury) to mend itself. The speed at which this healing takes place increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.
Sun Thanes who possess this skill are able to conduct a Kai Exorcism. This ritual will banish any evil supernatural force that has taken possession of any goodly creature or object.
Assimilance (Advanced Invisibility)
Grand Masters are able to effect striking changes to their physical appearance, and maintain these changes over a period of a few days. They have also mastered advanced camouflage techniques that make them virtually undetectable in an open landscape.
????????? Tier V:
Kai Grand Guardians who possess this skill are able to create a cloud of fog-like vapour within 15 yards of their location. This fog will obscure both normal and infravision. The duration of the fog increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.
????????? Tier VII:
Sun Lords who possess this skill are able to cause the outline of their bodies to become blurred and indistinct. By so doing, they can greatly increase their chances of avoiding magical and/or non-magical missiles directed at them.
Grand Huntmastery
Grand Masters are able to see in total darkness, and have greatly heightened senses of touch and taste.
????????? Tier V:
Kai Grand Guardians with this skill enjoy increased mobility when travelling across all types of terrain, whether on foot or on horseback. This improved ability is very useful when used to outdistance a pursuing enemy.
????????? Tier VII:
Kai Sun Lords with this skill are able to see, with acute accuracy, light in the infrared spectrum, i.e. they can see complex patterns generated by heat in near or total darkness. They can also see light in the ultraviolet spectrum.
????????? Tier VIII:
Kai Sun Thanes with this skill are able to protect themselves from the effects of being struck by natural electrical discharges, i.e. lightning.

Grand Pathsmanship
Grand Masters are able to resist entrapment by hostile plants, and have a super-awareness of ambush, or threat of ambush, in woods and dense forest.
Tier VI:
Kai Sun Knights with this skill are able to repel at will all normal-sized insects within a radius of three yards. The range and numbers of insects so affected increases considerably as a Grand Master rises in rank.
????????? Tier VIII:
Sun Thanes who possess mastery of this Discipline are able to alter the temperature of water by touch. By using this skill they are able to transform water into ice and vice versa. The volume of water affected, and the duration of effect, both increase as a Grand Master rises in rank.
When using their psychic ability to attack an enemy, Grand Masters may add 8 points to their Combat Skill. For every round in which Kai-surge is used, Grand Masters need only deduct 1 Endurance point. When using the weaker psychic attack -- Mindblast -- they may add 4 points without loss of Endurance points. (Kai-surge, Psi-surge, and Mindblast cannot be used simultaneously.)

????????? Grand Masters cannot use Kai-surge if their Endurance score falls to 6 points or below.
????????? Tier V:Kai Grand Guardians who possess mastery of this Discipline are able to attack up to three enemies in psychic combat simultaneously.
????????? Tier VII:Sun Lords who possess mastery of this Discipline are able to launch a Kai-blast--a pulse of intense psychic energy which is capable of affecting both psychically active and inactive enemies. This form of psychic attack is very effective, more so than a usual Kai-surge, Psi-surge or Mindblast. It can cause an enemy to lose between 2 and 18 ENDURANCE points in one attack. A Kai Sun Lord using Kai-blast determines the damage inflicted on an enemy by picking two numbers from the Random Number Table. These numbers should be added together (a '0' = 1) and the resultant total equals the damage inflicted. However, use of a Kai-blast will reduce a Sun Lord's ENDURANCE points total by 4. It cannot be used in conjunction with any other form of psychic attack.

In psychic combat, Grand Masters are able to construct mind fortresses capable of protecting themselves and others. The strength and capacity of these fortresses increases as a Grand Master advances in rank.

????????? Tier V:Kai Grand Guardians who possess this Discipline are able to exercise a defensive psychic skill known as Mindblend. This cloaking ability enables them to both protect and hide their minds from being detected by a hostile psychic probe.
????????? Tier VIII:
Sun Thanes who possess this Discipline are able to erect a special psychic defence called Mindfort. A Mindfort defence greatly reduces the effects of any psychic shock that would normally paralyse or weaken a lesser mortal.

Grand Nexus
Grand Masters are able to withstand contact with harmful elements, such as flames and acids, for upwards of an hour in duration. This ability increases as a Grand Master advances in rank.
????????? Tier VI:
Sun Knights who possess Mastery of this Discipline are able to feign death. By placing themselves into a state of suspended animation, outwardly they are able to achieve all semblance of being truly dead. However, whilst in this state the only sense that a Sun Knight retains is the ability to hear.
????????? Tier VIII:
You are able to pass freely through Shadow Gates and explore the nether realms of Aon and the Daziarn Plane.
Telegnosis (Advanced Divination)
This Discipline enables a Grand Master to spirit-walk for far greater lengths of time, and with far fewer ill effects. Duration, and the protection of his inanimate body, increase as a Grand Master advances in rank.
????????? Tier VI:
Sun Knights who possess this Discipline are able to communicate telepathically over great distances. Initially the range of this ability is approximately 100 miles, but this distance increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.
????????? Tier VII:
Sun Lords who possess this Discipline are able to alter their body weight in order to walk successfully upon different kinds of surfaces, e.g. water, mud, lava, and quicksand. Time duration and degree of surface difficulty increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.
Under the tutelage of Lord Rimoah, you have been able to master the rudimentary skills of battle magic, as taught to the Vakeros -- the native warriors of Dessi. As you advance in rank, so will your knowledge and mastery of Old Kingdom magic increase.
????????? Tier IV:
Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Kai Grand Defender are able to use the following battle-spells of the Elder Magi:
? Invisible Fist--This causes targets to tumble backwards, knocked over by the concussive force of the spell.
? Concussion--This
????????? Tier V:
Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian are able to use the following battle-spells of the Elder Magi:
? Splinter--This causes breakable items such as bottles, jugs, mirrors, windows, etc., to shatter to pieces. The range of this spell increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.
? Flameshaft--This causes the tip of any arrow, or arrow-like missile, to burn fiercely with a magical flame which cannot readily be extinguished by normal means.
????????? Tier VII:
Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Sun Lord are able to use the following battle-spells of the Elder Magi:
? Penetrate--This increases the penetrative energy of any Arrow or Arrow-like missile, launched by a Sun Lord.
? Energy Grasp--This spell enables a Sun Lord to discharge a powerful electrical force into anything he or she touches. It is similar in effect to the Brotherhood spell Lightning Hand, but differs in that it is easier to control and channel the resulting energy. It also requires the actual touching of an object or an enemy to effect the spell.
Under the tutelage of Guildmaster Banedon, you have mastered the elementary spells of Left-handed magic, as practiced by the Brotherhood of the crystal Star. As you advance in rank, so will your knowledge and mastery of Left-handed magic increase, enabling you to craft new Kai weapons and artefacts.
????????? Tier IV:
Grand Masters who have reached the rank of? are able to use the following Brotherhood spells:
? Mind Charm--This influences the targets attitude towards the Grand Master.
????????? Tier VI:
Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Sun Knight are able to use the following Brotherhood spells:
? Halt Missile--This causes any projected or hurled missile (i.e. arrows, axes, crossbow bolts etc.) which may pose an immediate threat to the life of a Sun Knight, to cease its flight and remain stationary in mid-air. The effect of the spell lasts for 2-3 seconds, allowing the Sun Knight sufficient time to move away from its line of flight. Initially only one missile can be affected by this spell, but the number increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.
? Strength--By casting this spell, a Sun Knight is able to greatly increase his or her physical strength for a short duration. It can be used to lift or move heavy objects, or to effect a temporary increase in COMBAT SKILL and ENDURANCE scores whilst fighting an enemy in combat.
????????? Tier VIII:
? Slow Fall--By casting this spell, Kai Sun Thanes are able to slow their rate of free-falling to three feet per second, thereby avoiding damage upon landing while the spell is in effect. The duration of the spell is limited at first, but it steadily increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.
? Breathe Water--Using this spell, a Kai Sun Thane is able to breathe underwater for ten minutes. The duration of effect increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.

Now, through the pursuit of your new skills and the further development of your innate Kai abilities, you have set out upon a path of discovery that no other Kai Grand Master has ever attempted with success. Your determination to become the first Kai Supreme Master, by acquiring total proficiency in all twelve of the Grand Master Disciplines, is an awe-inspiring challenge. You will be venturing into the unknown, pushing back the boundaries of human limitation in the pursuit of greatness and the cause of Good. May the blessings of the Gods Kai and Ishir go with you as you begin your brave and noble quest.

Lone Wolf, The Roleplaying Game is ?2004 Mongoose Publishing under licence from Joe Dever.
All rights reserved.

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