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Section of Site: ExaltedBelongs to Faction: Subtype: Era: Canon: No

We are the Solars

            We channel Essence, the power of the cosmos, through our fingertips, our fists, our feet. Our blades are cast of orichalcum, set with Hearthstones and never dull. We are the Children of the Unconquered Sun.

            The number of Combos an Exalted knows is a better measure of his power than just the number of Charms he knows.

Exalted Charm Combos

Solar Exalted

There Is No Wind, Arrow Storm Technique (11 Motes, 2 Willpower)

Accuracy Without Distance, Arrow Storm Technique (9 Motes, 3 Willpower)

Accuracy Without Distance, Fiery Arrow Attack (3 Motes, 2 Willpower)

Ghost-Eating Technique, Rain of Feathered Death, Fiery Arrow Attack, Dazzling Flare Attack, Phantom Arrow Technique  (7 + 3 Motes per duplicate, + 1 Mote per arrow, + 1 Mote per 2 damage, 1 Willpower)

Ferocious Jab, Fists of Iron Technique (2 Motes, 1 Willpower)

Surprise Anticipation Method, Seven Shadow Evasion (7 Motes, 1 Willpower)

Martial Arts
Striking Serpent Speed, Crippling Pressure-Point Strike, Serpentine Evasion (9 Motes, 2 Willpower)

Striking Serpent Speed, Armor-Penetrating Fang Strike, Essence Venom Strike (21 Motes, 4 Willpower, 1 Health Level)

Spine Shattering Bite, Spirit-Cutting Attack, Ghost-Eating Technique (10 + 1 Motes per die, 1 Willpower)

Flying Mantis Kick, Thunderbolt Attack Prana (7 Motes, 2 Willpower)

Snake Strikes the Heel, Uncoiling Serpent Prana, Armor-Penetrating Fang Strike, Essence Venom Strike (22 Motes, 3 Willpower, 1 Health Level)

Anointment of Miraculous Health,

Dipping Swallow, Solar Counterattack (5 Motes, 1 Willpower)

Dipping Swallow, Golden Essence Block (2 + 1 Motes per 2 dice, 1 Willpower)

Dipping Swallow, Heavenly Guardian Defense, Solar Counterattack (8 Motes, 2 Willpower)

Excellent Strike, Hungry Tiger Technique, Peony Blossom attack (1 + Varies + 1 Mote per die, 1 Willpower)

Iron Whirlwind Attack, Iron Raptor (7 Motes, 2 Willpower)

Iron Whirlwind Attack, Heavenly Guardian Defense, Solar Counterattack (11 Motes, 3 Willpower)

Surprise Anticipation Method, Summon the Loyal Steel, Heavenly Guardian Defense (5 Motes, 2 Willpower)

Surprise Anticipation Method, Summon the Loyal Steel, Solar Counterattack (5 Motes, 1 Willpower)

Iron Raptor Technique, Excellent Strike, Hungry Tiger Technique, Heavenly Guardian Defense (6 + 1 Motes per attack die, 2 Willpower)

Leaping Tiger Attack, Iron Whirlwind Attack, Excellent Strike, Solar Counterattack (11 + 1 Motes per die, 3 Willpower)

Iron Raptor Technique, Excellent Strike, Hungry Tiger Technique, Fire and Stones Strike (3 +1 Motes per attack die, +1 Motes per damage die,1 Willpower)

Foe-Vaulting Style, Dual Slaying Stance, Hungry Tiger Technique (5 Motes, 1 Willpower)

Foe-Vaulting Style, Leaping Tiger Attack, Dual Slaying Stance, Hungry Tiger Technique (8 Motes, 2 Willpower)
            The character flashes toward his opponent, attacking as he sails overhead, with his Essence trailing behind. Allowing his Essence to flow from his body and charging his weapons. Slashing with his twin blades and usually decapitating his opponent. If the opponent isn't killed instantly the damage can be devastating.
Leaping Tiger Attack (Exalted p194)
Foe-Vaulting Style (Night Caste p73)
Dual Slaying Stance (Night Caste p70)
Hungry Tiger Technique (Exalted p163)

Rose-Lipped Seduction, Listener-Swaying Argument (1 + 2 Motes per die, 2 Willpower)

Surprise Anticipation Method, Iron Kettle Body, Hauberk-Summoning Gesture (9 Motes, 1 Willpower)

Surprise Anticipation Method, Adamant Skin Technique (6 Motes, 1 Health Level, 2 Willpower)

Dragon-Blooded Exalted

Swallows Defend the Nest, Life-Swelling Sap Strike (3 + 1 Mote per arrow, 1 Willpower)

Flickering Candle Meditation, Safety Among Enemies (3 + 1 Mote per two dice, 1 Willpower)

Five-Dragon Claw, Five-Dragon-Force Blow, Five-Dragon Wrath (3 + 1 Mote per attack , 1 Health Level, 1 Willpower)

Perfect Blazing Blow, Essence-Igniting Nerve Strike, Smoldering Wound Attack (11 Motes, 2 Willpower)

Dragon-Graced Weapon, Ringing Anvil Onslaught (9 Motes, 1 Willpower)

Lunar Exalted

Ferocious Biting Sword, Dancing of the Living Blade (4 + 3 Motes per attack, 2 Willpower)

Abyssal Exalted

Flawless Archer Discipline, Withering Feathered Maelstrom (10 Motes, 3 Willpower)

Inescapable Iron Grip, Owl Seizes Mouse, Blood Drinking Palm, Scouring Erosion Method (12 + 1 Motes per soak reduced, 1 Willpower)

Ravaging Strike, Corpse Rending Blow, Soul-Eating Strike (8 Motes , 1 Willpower)

Ravaging Strike, Bone-Shattering Blow, Blood Drinking Palm (6 Motes, 1 Willpower)

Flitting Shadow Form, Fivefold Shadow Form (2 + 1 Motes per 2 dice reduced, 1 Willpower)

Martial Arts 
Shrouded Claw Attack, Falling Scythe Attack (6 Motes , 2 Willpower)

Glorious Carnage Typhoon, Incomparable Sentinel Stance (11 Motes, 3 Willpower)

Savage Shade Style, Slashing Ghost Talon (2 Mote , 1 Willpower)

Ebon Lightning Prana, Thieving Raiton Claws (7 Motes, 1 Willpower)

Ebon Lightning Prana, Glorious Carnage Typhoon (12 Motes, 2 Willpower)

Savage Shade Style, Slashing Ghost Talon, Glorious Carnage Typhoon (10 Motes, 2 Willpower)

Thousand Needle Torrent, Incomparable Assassin Method (14 Motes, 2 Willpower, 1 Health Level)

Ravening Crimson Chakram, Incomparable Assassin Method (8 Motes, 2 Willpower)

Sidereal Exalted

Harmony of Blows, Impeding the Flow (11 Motes, 1 Willpower)

Harmony of Blows, Serenity in Blood (13 Motes, 2 Willpower)

Exalted ?2001 White Wolf Publishing Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Exalted and its trademarks are used without express permission from White Wolf Publishing Inc.

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