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Section of Site: EarthdawnBelongs to Faction: Subtype: CreaturesEra: Canon: No

Name: Pink Demon
LP: 135

Str 10
Dex 5
Tou 10
Per 4
Wil 4
Cha 4

Phys Def 6
Soci Def 5
Spel Def 5

Phys Arm 6
Myst Arm 0
KO 44
Death 61
Wound 15

Init 5
Full/Combat 50/25

Attack 10 (jaws)
Damage 18

Pink Demons are heavily muscled pink bipeds with large fang filled mouths and small arms, and love ripping things apart and devouring them with there jaws.  There thick skinned muscular bodies can take a good deal of punishment, but pink demons are not particularly fast, lack intelligence, and can be easy prey for spells.  Pink demons are often found in packs


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