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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: EU

Name: Dagger thorn
Type: Melee Weapon
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee Weapons; Dagger thorn
Cost: 1,750
Availability: 2, R
Difficulty: Moderate
Damage: Str+1D (4D maximum) (upon any successful hit, 6D poison attack)
Description: The dagger thorn was a long, white, pointed melee weapon that was held in the hand. The wielder attacked foes in close range by attempting to connect with the weapon's tip, which oozed a poisonous sap that was capable of killing a Human-sized target with a single scratch.

During the Galactic Civil War, a member of the Ultaarian Greenback species wielded a dagger thorn in each of his four hands during the Big Game, a gladiatorial competition on a space station known as the Wheel. When the warrior faced the Human smuggler Han Solo in the first round of fighting, Solo hurled a power shield at the hulking contestant's feet. The four-armed fighter tripped and fell upon one of his dagger thorns, and although the poison took a moment to affect him, he died in mid-strike.

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