Name: Darius G-class freighter
Scale: Capital
Length: 152 meters
Skill: Space Transports: Darius G-class freighter
Crew: 18, Skeleton Crew: 6/+10
Crew Skill: Astrogation 4D+1, Space Transports 5D+2, Capital Ship Shields 4D+1, Sensors 5D
Passengers: 30
Cargo Capacity: 25,000 Tonnes (+2 External Cargo Pods, 30,000 Tonnes each)
Consumables: 6 Months
Hyperdrive Multiplier: X2
Hyperdrive Backup: X12
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 3
Atmosphere: 150, 500kmh
Hull: 3D
Shields: 1D
Passive: 30/1D
Scan: 60/2D
Search: 80/3D
Focus: 3/4D
Double Laser Cannon (x4)
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Arc: 3 Front, 1 Back
Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 1D+2
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmospheric Range: 2-6/24/50 Km
Damage: 4D
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Fire Arc: 1 front, 1 back
Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere Range: 2-10/30/60km
Damage: 3D
Description: The Darius G-class freighter was a type of freighter commonly used throughout the galaxy.
A large ship capable of carrying large amounts of cargo, the Darius G possessed a chin mounted ramp that opened up into a long multi-roomed cargo hold with tall ceilings. The Darius G also possessed two large cylindrical engines offset by two smaller engines, and sported four large stabilizers. The main hallways of the Darius G were large and spacious, and contained several blast doors, while the ship also possessed one-person escape pods of a narrow blocky design. The Darius G was equipped with a number of these pods, with Teroj Kees ship holding eighteen escape pods on its ventral surface.
During the cold war, Darius G-class freighters brought fuel shipments to the refueling station Colossus, on the ocean planet Castilon. The Colossus' fuel shipments aboard the freighters were a common prey for pirates. Transport TY-700 was used to deliver Major Elrik Vonreg to the platform for negotiations with Captain Imanuel Doza.
One Darius G-class freighter in the Castilon system, carrying Kowakian monkey-lizards and a Kowakian ape-lizard, was attacked by members of Kragan Gorr's Warbird gang. When the freighter sent out a distress call, Poe Dameron and Kazuda Xiono, who had been in a nearby asteroid field, went to investigate it.
Later, Kazuda Xiono would follow Teroj Kee into a Darius G's cargo hold in pursuit of a stolen phase connector. Inside of the ship, Kazuda tricked the pet Gorg Bitey into biting a Power coupling that led to the ship's electrode systems, causing the ship to lose power and crash into the oceans of Castilon as all aboard abandoned ship in the Darius G escape pods.