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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Latts Razzi
Species: Theelin
Gender: Female
Height: 1.79 meters
Hair color: Strawberry blonde
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: Lavender
MOVE - 10

        Blasters: 8D+2
        Brawling Parry: 5D
        Dodge: 8D
        Melee Combat: 8D+1
        Melee Parry: 8D
        Throwing Weapons: 8D+1

        Bargain: 4D+2
        Gambling: 5D
        Hide: 6D
        Persuasion: 5D+1
        Search: 5D+2
        Sneak: 6D

        Cultures: 3D+1
        Intimidation: 4D+2
        Languages: 5D+1
        Streetwise: 6D+2
        Survival: 4D+1

        Brawling: 6D
        Climbing/Jumping: 5D+2

        Repulsorlift Operation: 4D
        Starship Gunnery: 5D+1

        Demolitions: 4D+1
        First Aid: 4D
        Security: 3D+2

         CREDITS -500
                 Theelin Grappling boa (4D), X-8 Night Sniper Blaster Pistol (4D, +1D to Blaster if used for one round of aiming), Fashionable Street Clothing


Description: Latts Razzi was a Theelin female bounty hunter who operated during the Clone Wars. She was part of a syndicate of bounty hunters that included Boba Fett, Bossk, Oked, C-21 Highsinger, and Dengar.

During the Clone Wars, Latts Razzi and her fellow partners Bossk and Oked were present at a cantina in Mos Eisley. Oked approached Asajj Ventress and began to flirt with her, which ultimately led to his death. After witnessing their partner die, Razzi and Bossk blackmailed Ventress into joining their team. The two bounty hunters took Ventress to meet their leader, Boba Fett. Fett's team were hired by Major Rigosso to protect a chest of unknown contents on a subtram to Belugan leader Otua Blank. While delivering the chest, Razzi and her partners were attacked by Kage Warriors. Razzi fought alongside C-21 Highsinger, fending off many Kage Warriors by matching their skill in martial arts, but she and Highsinger were ultimately defeated by the Kage leader Krismo Sodi.

By the second year of the Clone Wars, the Kyuzo Embo had joined the team. Razzi and the rest of the syndicate members were present in a bar on Coruscant's Level 1313 when the undercover Jedi Master Quinlan Vos visited asking for information on how to find Asajj Ventress, a bounty hunter who had once been Count Dooku's Sith apprentice. Vos had been assigned by the Jedi High Council to assassinate Count Dooku and had decided to enlist Ventress as his partner. When Fett claimed that Ventress had cheated him, Latts pointed out that she had not cheated them and that they had been paid, but not in a way that pleased Fett. Fett reluctantly revealed that Ventress was pursuing a Volpai fugitive named Moregi on Pantora.

Later, Latts and the rest of Fett's syndicate were frequenting the Mos Eisley Cantina when Ventress came in to enlist their help for a mission to rescue Vos, who had been captured by Dooku and imprisoned on Serenno. Latts and her fellow hunters accepted the job after Ventress offered to pay them 250,000 credits immediately. Latts along with Fett, Ventress, Bossk, and Highsinger traveled to Serenno in Fett's ship Slave I. While the bounty hunters created a distraction by attacking Separatist droids and shuttles, Ventress managed to infiltrate Dooku's palace and located Vos. However, he had turned against Ventress after learning that she had murdered his former Master Tholme. While Latts and her colleagues managed to trap Dooku under a webbing, they were forced to escape off world with Ventress when Vos spurned their rescue effort and openly sided with Dooku.

At some point during the reign of the Galactic Empire, Razzi formed her own criminal syndicate. They were in competition and were thwarted by the Pyke Syndicate. The White Worms were in league with this fledgling organization.

Personality and traits

Latts Razzi was a Theelin female with strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes and lavender skin. She stood at 1.79 meters tall. She immersed herself in first class comforts and expensive clothing, which she used her career to pay for.

Skills and abilities

Latts was highly skilled in many types of weaponry. She was said to have pinpoint accuracy with a blaster pistol, as well as being an expert in several forms of exotic unarmed combat. During her job on Quarzite she displayed her self to be capable of going head-to-head in hand-to hand combat with the leader of the Kage Warriors, Krismo Sodi. Razzi was said to charge very high rates, yet had the skill to back it up.


Latts weapon of choice was a grappling boa, which she used as a whip and a lariat against her many opponents. She saw the weapon as stylish and practical, when not in use the Grappling Boa was draped around her shoulders like a scarf. During her conflict with Maul and Death Watch on Nal Hutta she utilized a X-8 Night Sniper.

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