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Admiral Garrick Versio (Human Imperial Officer)

Admiral Garrick Versio (Human Imperial Officer)
Incom Corporation Z-28 Skywing Starfighter

Incom Corporation Z-28 Skywing Starfighter

R7-A7 (Ahsoka Tanos Astromech)

R7-A7 (Ahsoka Tanos Astromech)

Section of Site: Vehicles D6Belongs to Faction: The First OrderSubtype: Ground VehiclesEra: Post EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Aratech-Loratus Corporation 125-Z TreadSpeeder Bike
Type: Speeder Bike
Scale: Speeder
Length: 4.17 meters
Height: 1.11 meters
Skill: Ground Vehicle operation: TreadSpeeder Bike
Crew: 1
Passengers: 1
Cargo Capacity: 50kg
Cover: 1/4
Altitude Range: Ground
Maneuverability: 1D
Move: 70; 200kmh
Body Strength: 2D
Shield Strength: 1D
         Laser Cannon
                 Fire Arc: Front
                 Skill: Vehicle Blasters
                 Fire Control: 1D
                 Range: 3-50/100/200
                 Damage: 4D
Equipped with:
         Jet Trooper Catapult
                  Allows jet trooper to be launched to full speed in one single action, allowing them to launch while the vehicle is in motion.

Description: The 125-Z treadspeeder bike was a model of speeder bike which saw service during the war between the First Order and the Resistance.

The First Order Treadspeeders were rugged, shielded patrol speeder bikes which had a design that granted greater traction on unstable terrain. Two of these speeders could be carried aboard an AAL-1971/9.1 Troop Transport. It could also avoid countermeasures that jammed traditional speeders. They could also catapult First Order jet troopers in the air.

Two pairs of First Order stormtroopers and jet troopers, on two separate First Order Treadspeeders, pursued Resistance agents Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron, Chewbacca, and droids C-3PO and BB-8 during a skirmish on Pasaana.

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