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Tan Divo (Coruscant Police Inspector)

Tan Divo (Coruscant Police Inspector)
Clegg Holdfast (Nosaurian Pod Racer / Journalist)

Clegg Holdfast (Nosaurian Pod Racer / Journalist)
Vice Admiral Rae Sloane (Human Imperial Officer)

Vice Admiral Rae Sloane (Human Imperial Officer)

Section of Site: StarGate SG1Belongs to Faction: Subtype: SG-Foxtrot (Search and Rescue)Era: Canon: No

Name: Major Karen Emma Walden
Air Force Officer Wheelman 5 Ace 1 (O-4)
Init: +7 (+4 Class, +3 Dex)
Defense: 16 (+3 Class, +3 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft
WP: 12
VP: 47
Attack: +7 melee, +9 ranged
SQ: Aviator (basic), Battle Born, Custom Ride, Custom Rider (5 RP), Daredevil, Familiarity +1, Kick Start 1/session, Lucky, Macro-Specialty (Concentration, Knowledge, Listen and Pilot as class skills, +2 Bureaucracy and Pilot skills), Taking Wing
SV: Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +4

Abilities: Str: 12, Dex: 16, Con: 12, Int: 16, Wis: 14, Chr: 10

Skills: Balance +8, Boating +10 (19-20), Concentration +7, Driver +10 (19-20), Intimidate +5/+4, Jump +6, Knowledge (Aircraft) +10 (19-20), Listen +7, Mechanic +10, Pilot +18 (19-20), Search +11, Sport (Skydiving) +8, Spot +12 (19-20), Surveillance +4, Survival +4

Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Coolness Under Fire, Firm Hand, Hard Core, Point Blank Shot, Speed Demon, Weapon Group Proficiency (handgun, melee, rifle, tactical), Wind RiderAttacks
Beretta Model 92FS +9 1d10+1
FN P90 +8 1d10+1
Unarmed +7 1d3+1

Gear: SG Team Bundle, other bundles as needed (by mission).

U.S. Air Force Major Karen Emma Walden was born in Fairfield, Connecticut.
She attended New York University.
She enlisted to be an officer in the Air Force.
She is a highly trained pilot and an expert in all vehicles.
She went through training from the rotary-wing courses to advanced courses in aviation safety at Fort Rucker, Alabama.
Captain Karen Walden, was a pilot of a rescue copter in Desert Storm. She made a spectacular rescue of a downed helicopter crew, then held her own crew together to fight off the Iraqis after her copter crashed. Shortly after this she was promoted to Major and later assigned to work on the Stargate Program.

Comments made about this Article!

25/Apr/2023 01:28:12 Posted by Richard A Walters Jr SSG ARNG California

I was there in Desert Storm as an MP, Guarding injured Soldiers from all sides of the war. We also pulled Guard Duty at several locations to include the Helo base where the Medevac was stationed.
At the time I didn't know Capt. Walden, but when the movie came out I new the female Pilot that I would see from time to time at the Medevac base was here.
I'm really surprised to find out that Hollywood, to sell tickets made-up a lot of the story that you see in the movie "Courage Under Fire"
I'm happy to hear that after all these years she didn't die like in the movie.
Her where abouts are unknow to me. But if you know, please let me know if she is still alive or deceased, and if she is deceased where is she buried? I'd like to pay my respects.

Richard A Walters Jr
1340 Muir Dr
Gardnerville,NV 89460

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