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Section of Site: Starships D20Belongs to Faction: Old RepublicSubtype: CapitalEra: Old RepublicCanon: No

Olanar Corvette

Olanar Corporation's model O-31337 corvette was one of the first successful
starship designs created by the company. It was placed on the market roughly
fifty years prior to the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo making it not
much older than the Corellian cruiser (a.k.a. Republic Cruiser).

The corvette was advertised as being the best ship on the market for the
price - this was not all that far from the truth. It's maneuverability and
overall speed were on par with what the Corellian corvette would later
demonstrate and its armaments made it a decent combat starship for a fleet
picket line or for escort duties.

The Republic Navy deployed the ships in a variety of roles ranging from
the previously mentioned picket lines and escort duties to troop transport.
The Republic cruisers were often reserved for passenger transport of all sorts
due to a lack of armaments on the majority of the vessels in service, the
Olanar corvette did the same job while adequately defending the passengers

A stock Olanar corvette carried a massive triple turbolaser cannon mounted
on the vessel's chin along with seven laser cannons mounted in various
positions along the length of the ship to defend against starfighter attacks.

In form, the Olanar corvette was typical of the time period in which it was
designed. The design allowed for the installation of widespread automation
and slave rigging to reduce the overall manpower required to operate the
vessel - the Republic actually opted not to invest in automating the Olanar
corvettes in the fleet.

The corvettes were still available to purchased used into the early days of
the New Republic for greatly discounted prices. However, many of these vessels
were highly modified from their original stock versions and are often times
in need of overhauls and major repairs.

Craft: Olanar Corporation's Corvette O-31337
Class: Capital
Cost: 3 million (new), 1.2 million (used)
Size: Large (155 meters long)
Crew: Minimum 3, maximum 27 (Normal +2)
Passengers: 30
Cargo Capacity: 1,500 metric tons
Consumables: 1 year
Hyperdrive: x2
Maximum Speed: Cruising
Defense: 14 (-1 size, +6 armor)
Shield Points: 100
Hull Points: 400
DR: 15

Weapon: Triple Turbolaser Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Attack Bonus: +3 (-1 size, +2 crew, +2 fire control)
Damage: 6d10x5
Range Modifiers: PB -4, S -2, M -1, L n/a

Weapon: 7 Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: 2 ventral turrets, 2 left turrets, 2 right turrets, 1 back
Attack Bonus: +7 (-1 size, +2 crew, +8 fire control)
Damage: 4d10x5
Range Modifiers: PB -4, S -2, M/L n/a

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All text and stats by Ryan Matheny, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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