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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Rebel AllianceSubtype: DROIDSEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: R2-A3
Manufacturer: Industrial Automaton
Product line: R-series
Model: R2 series astromech droid
Class: Astromech droid
Height: 0.96 meters (3ft 2in)
Sensor color: Black
Plating color: Red and white

        Dodge 4D
        Astrogation 5D, Communications 4D, Sensors 5D, Space Transports 3D, Starfighter Piloting 4D, Starship Weapons 5D
        Search 5D, Sneak 4D
        Computer Programming/Repair 5D, Security 5D, Starfighter Repair 7D*
* Astromech droids, if acting in co-pilot capacity, may attempt starship repairs while in flight.

Equipped With:
        Three wheeled legs (one retractable)
        Retractable heavy grasper arm (lifting skill at 2D)
        Retractable fine work grasper arm
        Extendable 0.3 metre long video sensor (360o rotation)
        Small electric arc welder (1D to 5D damage, 0.3 metre range)
        Small circular saw (4D damage, 0.3 metre range)
        Video display screen
        Holographic projector/recorder
        Fire extinguisher
        Acoustic signaller
        Small (20cm. by 8 cm.) internal "cargo" area
        Some additional tools and equipment

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 4
Move: 5

Description: R2-A3 was an R2 series astromech droid that served in the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War against the Galactic Empire. It was based out of the Rebel headquarters on the moon Yavin 4 and flew alongside Red Two pilot Wedge Antilles. In 0 BBY, R2-A3 and Antilles flew together in a T-65B X-wing starfighter during the Battle of Yavin, in which the Alliance fought against the Death Star superweapon in the Yavin system.

After initially engaging Imperial TIE/ln space superiority starfighters and turrets in order to draw fire from the BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers of Gold Squadron, Antilles and the droid ultimately ended up attempting an attack run on the Death Star's vulnerable thermal exhaust port. Before they could complete the run, their X-wing starfighter was damaged and they were forced to retreat.

R2-A3 was the designation of an R2 series astromech droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton that served in the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War against the Galactic Empire. The droid was stationed as part of the Massassi Group of Rebels based out of the Great Temple on the moon Yavin 4. There, it served as part of the Rebel Alliance Starfighter Corps' Red Squadron, flying alongside Rebel pilot Wedge Antilles as Red Two.

In 0 BBY, R2-A3 and Antilles flew in an T-65B X-wing starfighter when Red Squadron was scrambled alongside the BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers of Gold Squadron to attempt to destroy the Empire's Death Star superweapon in the Yavin system. Along with the rest of the squadron, the pair engaged TIE/ln space superiority starfighters and turrets in an attempt to draw fire so that the bombers could make an attack run on the Death Star's vulnerable thermal exhaust port.

After most of Gold Squadron was destroyed, Red Squadron began attempting attack runs on the port. Antilles and R2-A3 began to make a run along the Death Star's meridian trench alongside pilots Luke Skywalker and Biggs Darklighter, but were forced to retreat from the battle after the Sith Lord Darth Vader damaged their X-wing starfighter. Skywalker ultimately managed to launch a proton torpedo down the exhaust port and sucessfully destroyed the Death Star before it could fire on the Rebel base on Yavin 4.

R2-A3 had red and white paneling and a black sensor. Like all R2 units, it stood 0.96 meters (3ft 2in) tall.

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