Name: Tig
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Dexterity: 2D
Blaster: 4D
Dodge: 4D
Brawling Parry: 5D
Vehicle Blasters: 3D
Knowledge: 2D
Survival: 3D
Tactics: 3D
Perception: 2D
Con: 5D
Search: 3D
Sneak: 4D
Strength: 2D+2
Brawling: 5D+2
Climbing: 3D+2
Mechanical: 2D
Technical: 2D
First Aid: 3D+1
Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 1
Character Points: 3
Move: 10
Equipment: E-11 blaster rifle (5D), Imperial Stormtrooper Armour (+1D vs Energy, +2D vs Physical, -1D to Dexterity)
Description: Tig was a human female stormtrooper of the Galactic Empire. She was knocked off a platform in the Cloud City carbon-freezing chamber by the Wookiee Chewbacca before Captain Han Solo was frozen in carbonite, though she was unharmed.
During the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance, the human female Tig served as an Imperial stormtrooper in the Empire's 501st Legion, the personal legion of the Sith Lord Darth Vader. She was part of a fireteam with fellow troopers Ella, Riccarn, Xander and Deena Lorn, which endured a number of missions together, leading to their eventual reassignment with a squad aboard the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Executor, Vader's flagship. Aboard the Super Star Destroyer, Tig spent some nights with her squadmates in a corner of the Executor's mess hall, excluding their squadmate FS-451. Sipping illegal alcohol distilled by Xander, the troopers questioned why 451 had not been promoted from stormtrooper, Tig claiming that the stormtrooper had wanted to become a death trooper.
In 3 ABY, the Executor traveled to the tibanna gas mining colony Cloud City in the Bespin system. After Vader captured a group of rebel fugitives in the city, the Sith Lord arranged for one of the rebels, Captain Han Solo, to be frozen in Cloud City's carbon-freezing chamber. With Lorn and FS-451 already deployed with Vader, Tig traveled by shuttle to Cloud City and joined his two squadmates in a complement of stormtroopers overseeing the freezing of Solo. Vader ordered for Solo to be put in the chamber, prompting the captain's Wookiee companion Chewbacca to throw two troopers over the edge of their platform. Tig rushed towards the Wookiee, who threw her over the ledge before he was finally calmed by Solo.
Tig survived her fall unharmed, but her armor covered in grease. Her E-11 medium blaster rifle's safety was also jammed in the process. After Solo was frozen, Lorn left her post and went down to Tig, who explained her damaged blaster rifle. Lorn then offered to give Tig her own E-11, promising to swap the damaged one out for a working on at an armory. Tig agreed and the pair swapped blasters and parted ways. However, Lorn instead deserted the Empire thereafter and took Tig's broken blaster rifle with her.
Tig wore the standard armor of an Imperial stormtrooper, carrying an E-11 blaster rifle.