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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Rear Admiral Chiraneau
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Hair color: Gray
Skin color: Light

        Blaster: 5D
        Brawling Parry: 4D
        Dodge: 5D+1
        Grenade: 4D
        Vehicle Blasters: 4D+2
        Alien species: 3D+2
        Bureaucracy: 6D+1
        Planetary systems: 5D+2
        Tactics: 6D
        Willpower: 5D
        Intimidation: 5D+2
        Languages: 4D+2
        Bargain: 4D+1
        Command: 6D+1
        Con: 4D
        Investigation: 5D
        Search: 5D+1
        Persuasion: 5D+1
        Brawling 4D+2
        Astrogation: 5D
        Communications: 4D+1
        Capital Ship Piloting: 5D+2
        Capital Ship Shields: 5D+1
        Capital Ship Weapons: 5D+2
        Sensors: 4D+1
        Repulsorlift Operation: 4D+2
        Space Transports: 5D+2
        Starship Gunnery: 5D+1
        Computer Programming/Repair: 4D
        First Aid: 4D+2
        Security: 5D

Move: 10
Force Points: 3
Dark Side Points: 2
Character Points: 9

        Imperial Admirals Uniform, Blaster Pistol (4D), Commlink, Imperial Code Cylinders

Description: Rear Admiral Chiraneau was a human male who served in the Navy of the Galactic Empire and worked as an advisor to Admiral Firmus Piett. He piloted a VT-49 Decimator. In 4 ABY, Chiraneau was present on board the Death Star II battle station and was among the Imperial officers present when the Sith Lord Darth Vader arrived on board.

Chiraneau was a human male who served as a rear admiral in the officer corps of the Imperial Navy of the Galactic Empire. He functioned as an advisor to Admiral Firmus Piett, the commander of the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Executor and Death Squadron.

In 4 ABY, he was present on board the Death Star II battle station while it was under construction in the Endor system. When the Sith Lord Darth Vader arrived on the space station to inspect the progress of its construction, Chiraneau was among the group of Imperial officers who stood at attention in one of the station's hangars as Vader disembarked from his shuttle and spoke with Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod, commander of the Death Star. Not long after Vader's arrival, the Death Star II was destroyed by the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Battle of Endor.

Personality and traits
Chiraneau had light skin and gray hair.

The rear admiral wore a gray Imperial officer's uniform including a matching cap with an officer's disk and a black belt that also bore an officer's disk on its buckle. He also wore black boots and black gloves and bore an rank insignia plaque with six red pips above six blue pips. He owned at least two code cylinders. Chiraneau piloted a VT-49 Decimator.

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