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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Rebel AllianceSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Harb Binli
Homeworld: Eriadu
Died: 0 BBY, Yavin system
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown
Skin color: Fair

       Blaster 4D+2
       Brawling Parry 4D+1
       Dodge 5D+1
       Vehicle Blasters: 5D
       Languages 4D
       Planetary Systems 4D+2
       Tactics 4D
       Bargain 4D
       Persuasion: 4D+2
       Sneak 4D
       Brawling: 4D
       Astrogation 4D+2
       Repulsorlift Operation 4D+1
       Sensors: 4D
       Starfighter Piloting 5D+2
       Starship Gunnery 5D+1
       Starship Shields 5D
       Starfighter Repair 4D+1
       Security 3D+2

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points 3
Move: 10

Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), Rebel Flight Suit, Comlink,

Description: Harb Binli was a human male pilot from Eriadu who served in the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. During the war, Cadet Binli served as Red Seven.
After returning from the Mission to Eadu, Jyn Erso brought information about the threat of the Death Star before the Alliance Cabinet, as well as a gathering of various military personnel, including Binli, who was standing close to Erso and Bodhi Rook. Listening closely to the heated debate, the pilot acquiesced to Erso's plea for action. Soon after, he fought in the Battle of Scarif, during which his wingman and friend Pedrin Gaul was killed. He later served in the Battle of Yavin, in which he was killed in action.

At some point prior to 0 BBY, Binli was scheduled Shift Cycle 2 of an X-wing flight patrol mission along with fellow pilots Cdt. Pedrin Gaul (Red Five) and Lt. Nozzo Naytaan (Red Nine). Their mission was to route from Yavin to Gordian Trace Relays, perform a flyby of surrounding space, then after verifying visual and sensor all clear, perform close uplink of passive relay recordings.

Personality and traits
While a relatively recent addition to Red Squadron, Binli's talent and tenacity meant he particularly excelled at strafing runs against point defense cannons. He learned many lessons from his more experienced wingmate and teacher Pedrin Gaul.

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