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Koros Major (Empress Teta)

Koros Major (Empress Teta)

Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: DROIDSEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: K-9X1
Date destroyed: c. 18 BBY, Mount Tantiss, Weyland (later rebuilt), c. 18 BBY, Mount Tantiss, Weyland
Model: A model of Imperial labor droid
Sensor color: White
Equipment: Stun baton (5D)

Dexterity: 1D
         Melee Weapons: 4D, Melee Parry: 3D
Knowledge: 1D
Mechanical: 1D
Perception: 1D
         Search: 3D
Strength: 3D
         Lifting 6D, Stamina 4D
Technical: 1D

Equipped with:
         Humanoid Body (two arms, two legs)
         One visual and one auditory sensor - human range
         Manipulator arms

Move: 8

Description: K-9X1, or K-9, was a droid in service to the Galactic Empire in the Mount Tantiss facility on the planet Weyland. They had a yellow sensor, and were equipped with a stun baton. K-9X1 was tasked with handling the lurca hounds under the Empire's service, though the task of feeding the hounds was delegated to the clone Omega. When Omega noticed that the lurca hound LH-201—affectionately named "Batcher" by the clone—was injured, K-9X1 informed her that the hound had sustained the injury during her nightly patrol, and that she was scheduled for termination. When Omega requested that the droid help Batcher, they declined, stating that they were not a medical droid and it was against their programming. After later learning that Batcher's termination had not been staved off—despite having treated the hound's wound—Omega overpowered K-9X1 and smashed their lower half with a crate before freeing Batcher, though the droid had called security.

K-9X1 was later rebuilt, though they were destroyed once again by blaster fire by the clone Crosshair when he made his escape from Mount Tantiss alongside Omega.

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