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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: PlanetsEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Brendok
Moons: 2
Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Breathable
Terrain: Mountains, Forests
Points of interest: Brendok fortress
Flora: Bunta tree
Fauna: Brendoki flutterby
Other species: Human, Twi'lek, Zabrak
Demonym: Brendoki
Affiliation: Brendok coven

Description: Brendok, or Brendock, was a mysterious planet in the galaxy. During the Great Hyperspace Disaster, the planet was rendered lifeless but life had mysteriously returned to the planet by 148 BBY. A Jedi expedition led by Jedi Master Indara was sent to investigate the cause of this mysterious rejuvenation, which was attributed to a vergence in the Force. The Jedi encountered Mother Aniseya and her coven, leading to a conflict that destroyed the coven and the adoption of survivor Verosha Aniseya by the Jedi Order. Osha's sister Mae-ho Aniseya vowed revenge on the Jedi involved in her coven's demise.

Places of Interest
Brendok fortress
Brendok fortress was a former mining facility in the Northlands of the planet Brendok, annexed by a coven of witches led by Mother Aniseya following their exile. For many years during the High Republic Era, they operated in peace there.

Rite of Ascension courtyard
A courtyard was used for the Rite of Ascension ceremony held by Mother Aniseya's coven of witches during the High Republic Era.

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