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Colonel Wullf Yularen (Human Imperial Officer) {as of A New Hope}

Colonel Wullf Yularen (Human Imperial Officer) {as of A New Hope}
Boss Lyonie (Gungan Leader)

Boss Lyonie (Gungan Leader)
AIE-486H Heavy Machine Gun

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Yee Moh (Neimoidian Civilian)

Yee Moh (Neimoidian Civilian)

Name: Light Reaper / Light Scythe
Type: Melee Weapon
Scale: Character
Skill: Lightsaber; Light Reaper
Cost: Unavailable for sale
Availability: 4, X
Difficulty: Moderate
Damage: 5D

Description: The Light Reaper is a development of the Light Saber, and was used by a number of jedi who liked the fact that it could be used as a normal staff as well as a lightsaber, and therefore used for non-lethal combat. However the image of the weapon was also popular with Dark Jedi who liked the death implications of the Scythe * to strike terror into their victims hearts. Although a Scythe is slightly harder to handle than a light saber, this is offset by the reduced chance of striking yourself with the blade, and a much increased reach with the blade.

* - Yes I know the Scythe is only related to death in reality, and the image of the Grim Reaper with a Scythe is not a Star Wars one, but just try mentioning to a player about a Jedi dressed in dark robes carrying a scythe and see what they think.

Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text completely by FreddyB. Image is by "Bob the Dinosaur", copyright resides with him.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.

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