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Sylvar (Cathar Jedi)

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Galactech "Fractal" Missile Speeder

Name: Pricon Combo Rifle
Model: Galactech Pricon Combined Blaster Particle Rifle
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: Pricon
Ammo: 50
Cost: 2,500
Availability: 2, X
Range: 2-20/100/200
Damage: 5D *

* : The Pricon Rifle fires a mixture of accelerated particles and blaster energy at its target, this means it takes effect against the targets lower armour rating, Physical or Energy.

Description: As armour has improved, it has become more important to choose the right weapon to defeat your opponents armour, a reason why the Wookie bowcaster has become so popular by affecting both physical and energy, helping the weapon to overcome the targets armour. It was with this in mind that Galactech designed the Pricon Combo Rifle, firing a combination Particle Beam / Blaster Bolt at the target. While this was an innovative solution to the problem, most user found that simply buying a more powerful blaster rifle solved it far more efficiently, so the Pricon has sold poorly, without being adopted by anybody more than a few isolated individuals.

Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text completely by FreddyB. Image is from the series Blakes 7, copyright resides with the BBC.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.

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