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"They don't have long. No one is coming to help them. And you are the one who led them here. Strike me down. Take the throne. Reign over a new empire, and the fleet will be yours. Only you have the power to save them. Refuse, and your new family dies.": Emperor Palpatine: Star Wars, Rise of Skywalker


19/September/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And today based on Knights of the Old Republic 36: Prophet Motive, Part 1, I've added Kellenech Technologies Sentinel Droid to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section, Metellos 3 to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section, Calipsan 560 Mining Ship to the Star Wars D/6 Starship Section, & Chev to the Star Wars D/6 Species Section of the Site.


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18/September/2024 Posted by Freddy

        So, had a lot on the last couple of days, but I'm back and instead of jumping over to Young Jedi Adventures, or catching up with The Vader or High Republic comics, I thought I'd power on through with Knights of the Old Republic, as we're only a dozen or so issues from the end. So today here's the review of the next issue, Knights of the Old Republic 36: Prophet Motive, Part 1, where Gryph starts another scam to become rich, but once again everything goes wrong and he relies on his allies to save him once again.


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15/September/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And today based on Knights of the Old Republic 35: Vindication, Part 4, I've added Lucien Draay (Near-Human Jedi Master), & Haazen (Human Failed Jedi/Sith Acolyte) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, & Gauntlet of Kressh the Younger, & Yoke of Seeming to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section.


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14/September/2024 Posted by Freddy

        So we reach the climax of the storyline which started the entire series, with Zayne against Haazen, the power behind the Covenant, with Knights of the Old Republic 35: Vindication, Part 4. Where Lucien is filled with rage and looks to be becoming Haazen's Sith apprentice, and Zayne the only thing in the way of him devastating the Jedi Order and Coruscant itself.


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13/September/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And only one addition today based on, Knights of the Old Republic 34: Vindication, Part 3 as another member of the Covenant dies, I've added Q-Anilia (Miraluka Jedi Seer) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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