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"Child Molester!"

        This was an occasion while we were playing Shadowrun, K was GM`ing and was running an adventure of his own devising.

        Although I have difficulty remembering the main story, it involved tracking down a magic focus which after much investigation turned out to be in South America in a war-zone. The final part of the adventure involved a chase through the jungle as we were chased by a spirit of war, a powerful elemental creature which caused no end of trouble for the party to dispatch.

The Players

        Evelyn Stein, a human leather clad dominatrix and physical adept, played by me. Her leather basque and little other clothing gave her a bonus to appearance, which she used mercilessly.

        ????, a human mercenary, played by B. Human mercenaries in Shadowrun were desirable for their main feature, a light machine gun, apart from that they were rubbish. However B played his (like he played most of his characters) as some kind of sexual deviant.

        ????, a human mage, played by L. A female mage, who used magic to disguise her heavy combat armour as a thick coat, wig and sunglasses, so although never looked armoured, just looked odd.

        Scimitar, a human magical detective, played by R. Scimitar was another sexual deviant in the group, in this adventure we discovered his detectives trench coat was "curiously stained".

        Tackleberry, a troll gang member, played by C. Tack was a long term member of the group, and even though one of the toughest characters ever encountered, was somewhat out of his depth due to the high level of magic involved in this adventure.

        The adventure started relatively normally, and investigation progressed normally, however inter-party conflict began, and the sexually deviant part of the group began taunting and harassing the female part of the group.

        B began making fairly annoying comments about womens work, and why we shouldn`t be out of the kitchen.

        So L and myself began plotting revenge, and we eventually worked it out and started implementing our vengeance upon B, however we never realised that revenge could possibly so successful.

        B`s mercenary headed off from the main group to meet some of his street contacts, and L`s mage began summoning a spirit to follow him. Spirits in Shadowrun travel in Astral Space, but can communicate with the real world, an ability which we took advantage of.

        Once the spirit was summoned it was given the order to find B`s mercenary, to follow him for the duration of its summoning, and finally, every time he spoke it was to shout as loud as it could "Child Molester".

        The look on B`s face as this was explained to the GM was comical to say the least, although this was nothing to what was to come.

        B attempted to continue normally, but found it difficult to deal with his street contacts with L or myself shouting "Child Molester" every time he spoke.

        Soon the rest of the group began to join in, and soon, whenever B tried to speak at all, it was drowned out by someone or other shouting "Child Molester" at him. Soon he began to just sit quietly, and his sexist comments were stopped and revenged.

        However as I said, this plan became more successful than we expected, as this carried over into other games.

        Soon after he resigned from his job, and moved out of the area. although probably not true, it has now become established as being because he couldn`t ever get in a word edgewise over someone shouting "Child Molester" at him.

Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text completely by FreddyB.
Images stolen from various web pages I`ve now forgotten where (Copyright resides with the artist).
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.