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12/September/2009 Posted by HellStormer1

Hello again, everyone.

I have added the ZAFT ZGMF-600 GuAIZ, ZAFT YFX-600R GuAIZ Experimental Firearms Type, ZAFT ZGMF-601R GuAIZ R and ZAFT AMF-103A DINN RAVEN, along with updates for the ZAFT ZGMF-1017 GINN, ZAFT ZGMF-1017AS GINN Assault Type and ZAFT AMF-101 DINN, all to the Star Wars RPG Starships D6 section, feel free to take a look.

As of this moment, my Gundam SEEED drafts out. There are many, many more, and I will get to them in time. however, Andromeda is next on the list. Yes, i actually make a list of "To Do's", as it is, and work my way down as I go. And a might ship like the Andromeda NEEDS to be done! (Along with all the cool, funky stuff that came with the series, WWWOOOWWW!!!)

Any requests you have, send them on in!

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