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Section of Site: Characters D20Belongs to Faction: Prestige ClassSubtype: Era: ImperialCanon: No

Prestige Class: Fashion Expert
The fashion expert is one who has either been studiying fashion for a
while or has been designing clothes for friends and family, but never
actually put them on the market. Now they are famous and have the ability
to say that this clothing is in style, then it is in style. They can make
clothes and be a hit with the public. Their name is now a designer brand.

Fashion Expert
Required Skills: Appraise +8, Entertain +8, Knowledge(Fashion) +8
Required Feats: Fashion Sense (see this site to find Fashion Sense; located
                under Fashion)
Required Reputation: 10+
Required Ability: Charisma 19+
Required Class: Nobel or Scoundrel
Required Vitality: 1d6 per level

Class Skills:
Appraise (Int)
Bluff (Cha)
Craft (Int)
Entertain (Cha)
Gather Information (Cha)
Intimidate (Cha)
Knowledge (Int)
Profession (Wis)
Read/Write Language
Speak Language

When reaching the first level, these are the benefits:
Base Attack Bonus (BAB) 0
Fort (F) 0
Ref (R) +1
Will (W) +2
Special (S) +3000 credits
Defense Bonus (DB) 0
Reputation Gain (RG) +3
A Fashion Expert gains 3000 credits because his/her first line of clothing
has just hit the market.

When reaching the second level, these are the benefits:
F +1
Ref +1
Will +2
DB +1
RG +2

When reaching the third level, these are the benefits:
BAB +1
F +1
R +2
W +3
S Knowledge (Fashion) +1, +3000 credits
DB +1
RG +1
The Fashion Expert through tedious studies gains a +1 to Knoledge (Fashion),
plus the second line of clothing has been released to the public giving the
Fashion Expert 3000 credits.

When reaching the fourth level, these are the benefits:
BAB +1
R +2
W +3
DB +2
RG 0

When reaching the fifth level, these are the benefits:
BAB +2
F +2
R +2
W +3
S +3000 credits
DB +2
RG +4
The Fashion Expert's third line has now been released.

When reaching the sixth level, these are the benefits:
BAB +2
F +3
R +3
W +4
S Knowledg (Fashion) +2
DB +3
RG +3
The Fashion Expert continues to gain knowledge in fashion, this time
resulting in a +2 bonus for it.

When reaching the seventh level, these are the benefits:
BAB +3
F +3
R +3
W +4
S +3000 credits
DB +3
RG +2
The Fashion Expert's forth line has been released.

When reaching the eighth level, these are the benefits:
BAB +3
F +4
R +3
W +4
DB +3
RG +1

When reaching the ninth level, these are the benefits:
BAB +4
R +4
W +5
S Knowledge (Fashion) +3, 3000 credits
DB +4
R 0
The fashion expert becomes more familiar with fashion, gaining +3 to his/her
score.  The fifth line has been produced.

When reaching the tenth level, these are the benefits:
BAB +4
F +4
R +4
W +5
S Knowledge (Fashion) +4
DB +4
RG +5
The Fashion Expert now is a master at fashion, gaining a +4 bonus to fashion.  
This means that over the past ten levels, this class alone has made Fashion
at least +10.  The Fashion Expert also gains the biggest Reputation Score.  
The Expert's name is a household word now, and the whole galaxy is aware of

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All text and stats by Matt Richards, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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