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Gak-Sixtoo (Droid Navigator to Bokku the Hutt)

Gak-Sixtoo (Droid Navigator to Bokku the Hutt)
Class 546 Cruiser

Class 546 Cruiser
Organic decimator

Organic decimator

Section of Site: Vehicles D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: RepulsorliftEra: ImperialCanon: No

Snowtrooper Repulsor-Snowmobile

Snowtroopers are trained to operate in the most deserted, barren snow
worlds in the galaxy. This icey-cold terrain requires certain special
mission vehicles. The patrol snowmobile is one of these pieces of

Designed as a means of travel on ice, snow, and sometimes even water, the
repulsor-snowmobile allows variety in missions from quick travel for patrol
duty to passenger room for small field medical emergencies.

Having "skis" towards the back of the machine (not the front like regular
snowmobiles) and a repulsor generator in the front for limited use (the
repulsor generator is mainly used to help support and balance the machine),
the repulsor-snowmobile is rather quick and suitable to carry a pilot and a
passenger. Snowtroopers usually have one of these vehicles to carry an
E-Web, allowing transport of the weapon to where a soldier calls for it.

AT-ATs can carry up to eight of these machines and still be able to carry
the snowtroopers neccessary to pilot them. Once a combat zone is relatively
under control, the AT-AT knees on the ground to disembark the soldiers with
their vehicles.

Craft: QuarTech Snowtrooper Patrol Snowmobile
Type: Light-combat repulsor-snowmobile
Scale: Speeder
Length: 2 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: snowmobile
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Repulsorlift operation 3D+2, vehicle blasters 4D
Passengers: 1 (or 5 kilograms of cargo)
Cargo Capacity: 5 kilograms (or 1 passenger)
Cover: 1/4
Altitude Range: Ground level - 2 meters
Cost: Not available for sale
Maneuverability: 1D+2
Move: 55; 160
Body Strength: 2D
Twin Laser Cannon
        Fire Arc: Front
        Skill: Vehicle blasters
        Fire Control: 1D+2
        Range: 3-25/75/175
        Damage: 3D+2

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All text and stats by Craig Marx,Overlord, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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