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Imperial Department of Military Research / Sienar Fleet Systems DS-1 Orbital Battle Station
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General Baccam Grafis (Human Rebel Logistics Officer)


Section of Site: Vehicles D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: RepulsorliftEra: ImperialCanon: No

Vendetta Repulsor Tank

The vendetta is the symbol of simplicity in a tank design. It has three
sectionsall mounted on swiveling joints to rotate independant of each
other. The lowermost is the drive section which houses thrusters and
repulsorlifts. Next is the control deck which houses the crew and a
squad of fold up droids. And above that is the weapons platform that
houses the gunner, the lone heavy blaster cannon and a colling system
that gives the csannon nearly unlimited firing rate. The colling system
takes up half of the weapons deck and the other half is the weapon
itself, targeting equipment, power generator and the small gunner's
station. The recycle rate for the cannon is nearly a millisecond letting
the cannon spray a steady stream of fire.

Craft: RanCorp Vendetta Repulsor Tank
Type: medium repulsortank
Scale: Speeder
Length: 17 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: vendetta repulsortank
Crew: 2, gunners: 1
Crew Skill: Repulsorlift operation 5D, vehicle blasters 4D+2
Passengers: none
Cargo Capacity: 300 kilograms
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground level-8 meters
Cost: 52,000
Maneuverability: 2D+1
Move: 275; 500 kmh
Body Strength: 4D
Heavy Laser Cannon
        Fire Arc: Front
        Crew: 1
        Skill: Vehicle blasters: heavy laser cannon
        Fire Control: 2D+2
        Range: 200-1/3/5 km
        Damage: 6D

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