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Section of Site: Vehicles D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: RepulsorliftEra: ImperialCanon: No

RT-32 "Minotaur" Combat Support Repulsotank

Mercenary units often times find themselves in the worst of combat
conditions, where they are either out-gunned or out-numbered. Support from
armor is essential to mercenary infantry's survival, especially on Imperial
or New Republic-scale battlefields.

The RT-32, dubbed the "Minotaur", is a lightweight repulsortank designed
around the closure of the Clone Wars, and its influence can still be
detected in modern armor. Designed by Zev'Lon Armaments for use with
independant militia groups, the RT-32 has supplemented many mercenary
factions, who have used the vehicle to great success in combat.

The RT-32 is a well-armored vehicle, featuring 215mm of 45? sloped frontal
armor, and approximately 185mm of 65? sloped side armor. The extreme
sloping of the armor in the RT-32 allows the tank to have a low weight
output and a smaller silhouette from medium and longer ranges. The low
profile of the "Minotaur" makes it more difficult for enemy repulsortanks
to hit the RT-32, and increases the vehicle's combat survivability.

A high-velocity 130mm massdriver cannon supports the brunt of the RT-32's
engagements. With a optimum performance range of 3 km and an armor
piercing capability of 285mm, the "Minotaur" is able to compete with even
the best repulsortanks on the modern battlefield. The RT-32 is also one
of the first tanks to be fitted with an auto-loading mechanism for the
main cannon, cutting down on time-consuming work for the crew.

Model: Zev'Lon Armaments RT-32 "Minotaur" Combat Support Repulsortank
Type: Battlefield superiority repulsortank
Scale: Speeder
Length: 11.5 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: RT-32
Crew: 2, gunners: 2
Crew Skill: Varies
Cargo Capacity: 110 kilograms
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground - 3 meters
Cost: 83,500 (new)
Maneuverability: 1D+1
Move: 71; 205 km/h
Body Strength:
      Front: 4D+2
      Left/Right: 4D+1
      Rear: 4D
      Top/Beneath: 3D+1
Passive: 27m/0D
Search: 105m/1D+2
130mm High-Velocity Massdriver Cannon
        Fire Arc: Turret
        Crew: 1 (with auto-loading mechanism)
        Scale: Walker
        Fire Rate: 2 (with auto-loading mechanism)
        Skill: Vehicle firearms
        Ammo: 62 rounds
        Fire Control: 1D+2
        Range: 15-350/1.5/3 km
        Damage: 7D+1
        Game Notes: Auto-Loading Mechanism: The RT-32 features a sophisticated
        loading system for the tank's main gun. If a complication occurs as the
        result of a wild die roll while trying to fire the main gun, the auto-
        loader has jammed and the cannon will not fire. The main gun can be      
        unjammed on hand with five minutes repair time and a Moderate Vehicle
        Firearms Repair or Technical skill roll. If successful, the auto-loader
        is inoperable, but the cannon may now be loaded manually by the crew.
        The number of crewmen to operate the weapon now becomes 2, and the
        cannon's fire rate decreases to 1.
Concussion Grenade Launcher
        Fire Arc: Front
        Crew: 1
        Skill: Missile weapons
        Fire Control: 1D
        Range: 1-50/100/200
        Damage: 3D
2 Medium Repeating Blasters
        Fire Arc: Front (1); Rear (1)
        Crew: 2 (1 per repeating blaster)
        Scale: Character
        Skill: Vehicle blasters
        Ammo: 350 (per repeating blaster)
        Fire Control: 1D+1
        Range: 2-70/250/500 m
        Damage: 7D

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