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Section of Site: Characters D20Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: New RepublicCanon: No


Gruben, a Dug from Malastare, moved to Cloud City after he forced out f his home. He was hired by a mechanic and taught how to deal with those that don't normally wish to be dealt with. He soon gained enough credits to open his own shop on the floating city, and is now a happy owner of his own shop. Gruben was surprised when a Gungan came to Cloud City and asked if he could work for him, and so after trial and error, more trial and error, and even more trial and error, Gruben put the Gungan as a watch out for any thieves, Kelos, the Gungan, seems to like that position as it makes him fell important. Little does he know the shop has hidden holocams all over the place?

Era: Rise of the Empire
Character Name: Gruben
Age: Adult (36)
Gender: Male
Species: Dug
Skin: Brown
Eyes: Brown

Male Dug; lvl 6 Scoundrel; Init: +6; Def: 16 (+4 class, +2 dex); Spd: 10m; VP/WP: 41/14; AB M/R: +5/+6; SQ: Great Shout, Illicit Barter, Lucky (2/day), Precise Attack +1; Saves: FORT: +4 (+2 base, +2 ability), REF: +7 (+5 base, +2 ability), WILL: +3 (+2 base, +1 ability); FP: 5; DSP: 0; Rep: +6; Stats: STR: 12 (+1), DEX: 14 (+2), CON: 14 (+2), INT: 13 (+1), WIS: 12 (+1), CHA: 9 (-1); SL: Basic, Binary (understand only), Gungan, Huttese; WL: Basic, Huttese

Comlink, Datapad, Toolkit x2, Utility Belt, 4,500 Credits

Appraise: +10 (9 ranks, +1 ability), Bluff: +6 (5 ranks, +2 mod, -1 ability), Computer Use: +12 (9 ranks, +2 mod, +1 ability), Craft (Airspeeders): +8 (7ranks, +1 ability), Craft (Droids):+9 (8 ranks, +1 ability), Craft (SpaceTransports): +9 (8 ranks, +1 ability), Disable Device: +8 (7 ranks, +1 ability), Gamble: +10 (9 ranks, +1 ability), Knowledge (Engineering): +3 (2 ranks, +1 ability), Profession (Mechanic): +6 (6 ranks, +1 ability), Repair: +19 (9 ranks, +9 mod, +1 ability)

Gearhead, Improved Initiative, Persuasive, Skill Emphasis (Repair), Trustworthy, WGP (Blaster Rifles), WGP (Simple Weapons)

Punch, Attack Bonus: +5, Type: Melee, Size: Medium, Damage: 1d3+1
Welding Laser/Cutting Torch, Attack Bonus: +5, Type: Energy, Size: Fine,Damage: 1d8+1

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