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28/April/2009 Posted by Freddy

        Well today got off to a rotten start as it took me 2.5 hours to get to work this morning (usually its around 45 minutes), due to broken signals, so I was standing around in the wind and rain for an hour, followed by a hot, damp and sweaty trip into glasgow (far too many people crammed into the train, all damp from the rain, leading to lots of heat and condensation). Anyway, enough with the moaning, I've started on the starships from DLOS, which are the last Stats to be rescued (although it being Star Wars, they will doubtless take a considerable time to add all of them), so today I've added Starship Cruise Missile Launcher, ALQ-131 ECM Pod, Particle Acceleration Cannon (PAC), LAU 5003A Rocket Launcher, Mestic Munitions M61A1 Vulcan, Incoherence Ray, High-Precision Blaster, Ion Torpedo Launcher, Reaver Machine Gun, HattMark S-WEB, Ion Shields, VerdanTech RX-15 Revolver Missile Launcher, VerdanTech RX-5 Revolver Missile Launcher, AGM-65B Maverick, AGM-65D Maverick, AIM-9M Sidewinder, AIM-9P Sidewinder, AIM-120 AMRAAM, CBU-84 Cluster Bomb Unit, BLU-107/B Durandal, GBU-15 Guided Bomb Unit, AGM-88A HARM, Kashan Technological Development TCM I Cruise Missile, Kashan Technological Development TCM II Cruise Missile, Mk82 Free-Fall Bomb, Mk82HD Free-Fall Bomb, Mk83 Free-Fall Bomb, Mk84 Free-Fall Bomb, AGM-45A Shrike, MM/VerdanTech Decimator Space Denial Missile, RanCorp Diamond Tipped Warhead, RanCorp FL-3 Flea Warhead, Arakyd CM-650 HellFire Incindiary Missile, Nitakka Gravity Bomb, MM/VerdanTech Spontoon Heavy Missile, MM/VerdanTech Spontoon Light Missile, MM/VerdanTech Spontoon Medium Missile, MM/VerdanTech Spontoon Ultra-Heavy Missile, MM/VerdanTech Spontoon Ultra-Light Missile, Concussion Munitions and Ordnance, Cellulose-Encased Laser-Guided Bomb, Thermite Plasma Incenidary System, Fleet Service Station, Golan Point Defense Station, Kashan Technological Developments HyperJump-1, Orbital Space Defense Mine, Military Shipyard (example shown: Imperial Delfii Shipyards), Republic StarForge Mobile Station, Sienar Fleet Systems Orbital Starfighter Factory, Gwirekon Base, Neyomal Jump Gate, Nova-Dock Shipyard, RanCorp Deepdock, Shield Defense Station, Shield Defense Station, Verdant Spaceworks Deep Space Factory, Tarsonis Orbital Shipyard, Verdant Spaceworks Orbital Starfighter Factory, Advanced Space Base to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the site. After the Starships are complete, there are a couple of more interesting but tiny sections to be rescued, "Sourcebooks" and "Adventures", so the best is yet to come.

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Page designed in Notepad, logo and buttons done in Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Images stolen from various web page I`ve now forgotten where (Copyright however will reside with the artists.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB